The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)


Well-Known Member
Yo guys, no new pics yet cause I havn't had to go down there and water since I planted. They're sucking up this rain water though, and when it warms up, they're gonna take off. I 've been getting some moving done, and have some help and a trailer to get all the big stuff and that'll be about it except yard stuff. I'll get some fesh pics Tuesday when it warms up. PEACE!!


Well-Known Member
About your tea... Do you foliar feed, soil feed or both? And at what frequency?
Honestly, I'm no organic tea expert, but I do both root feedings and foliar, but I use different teas. The roots get all the stuff, molasses,guano,worm castings,humus, kelp, fish emulsion and so on. The foliar feeds are mostly kelp and fish w/microbes of course in both. The humates that I normally use in my foliar sprays is unavailable in Cali now, due to epa regulations and labeling issues, so dry humus in the brew will have to do this year, unless I make a trip up the hill to Reno.


Well-Known Member
Sunshine!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! I stopped by the plants today on my way back from Home Depot. I was in my wifes truck, so I didn't have my camera with me. I can't wait to get pics tomorrow. I was pleasently surpised to see that they had grown quite a bit already!! The ones that were planted crooked and away from each other( the doubles) I expected to see beat down into the dirt by the rain, but they actually turned the corner and were pointing straight up! They are going to blast right off, no waiting around at all. I'll have pics tomorrow. PEACE!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I was happy to see they weren't beat into the dirt by the rain, but I was really happy to see they grew too!
seriously awsome man, other than the bout of bad weather, we've been having the same luck. Subbed, gota watch this thing all the way through harvest :D


Well-Known Member
wow this grow is amazing, i just finished looking through the big 40 thread, and man u can grow, can't wait to see these ladies when they are all grown up.