The association between early marijuana use and health problems. A longitudinal study


Well-Known Member
We did unto exhaustion in the other thread.

Btw I am STILL no longer beating my wife. I am touched nonetheless by your concern.
You really necro'd this 5 year old thread man?

This study and the study I posted in the current thread have NO RELATION to one another! They are from two different studies. This is about the affects of cannabis on the developing body from volunteer anecdotal evidence.. it has nothing to do with the study on social and economic mobility from UC Davis' project--which used both anecdotal volunteer evidence AND research pulled from government databases (taxes, driver's records, criminal records, marriage records, etc).


Ursus marijanus
You really necro'd this 5 year old thread man?

This study and the study I posted in the current thread have NO RELATION to one another! They are from two different studies. This is about the affects of cannabis on the developing body from volunteer anecdotal evidence.. it has nothing to do with the study on social and economic mobility from UC Davis' project--which used both anecdotal volunteer evidence AND research pulled from government databases (taxes, driver's records, criminal records, marriage records, etc).

To the red: the blue sort of covers it.


Well-Known Member
Do you realize how many liberties had to be taken to publish those results? It was not a scientific study by any means. We already know that those who don't exercise their mind are likely to lose mental capacity increasingly over time. Depression could lead to the same findings every single time. It is likely they tested a group of people who were destined to fall into this groove!

The simple truth is the percentage of marijuana users isn't limited to those who lack motivation. I can start name dropping but it's pointless you are against mj so that's how you stand. But
"In this prospective longitudinal study, the authors investigated the association between marijuana use over a period of 13 years and subsequent health problems at age 27. A community sample of 749 participants from upstate New York was interviewed at mean ages of 14, 16, 22, and 27 years. Marijuana use over time was significantly associated with increased health problems by the late twenties, including respiratory problems, general malaise, neurocognitive problems, and lower academic achievement and functioning. Effective prevention and intervention programs should consider the wide range of adverse physiological and psychosocial outcomes associated with marijuana use over time."

Interesting read.
Do you realize how many liberties had to be taken to publish those results? It was not a scientific study by any means. We already know that those who don't exercise their mind are likely to lose mental capacity increasingly over time. Depression could lead to the same findings every single time. It is likely they tested a group of people who were destined to fall into this groove! The simple truth is the percentage of marijuana users isn't limited to those who lack motivation. I can start name dropping but it's pointless if you are against mj then that's how you stand. After the propaganda war against mj some people are brain washed against it and will always find false positives.


Ursus marijanus
Do you realize how many liberties had to be taken to publish those results? It was not a scientific study by any means. We already know that those who don't exercise their mind are likely to lose mental capacity increasingly over time. Depression could lead to the same findings every single time. It is likely they tested a group of people who were destined to fall into this groove!

The simple truth is the percentage of marijuana users isn't limited to those who lack motivation. I can start name dropping but it's pointless you are against mj so that's how you stand. But

Do you realize how many liberties had to be taken to publish those results? It was not a scientific study by any means. We already know that those who don't exercise their mind are likely to lose mental capacity increasingly over time. Depression could lead to the same findings every single time. It is likely they tested a group of people who were destined to fall into this groove! The simple truth is the percentage of marijuana users isn't limited to those who lack motivation. I can start name dropping but it's pointless if you are against mj then that's how you stand. After the propaganda war against mj some people are brain washed against it and will always find false positives.
one more time? Stoner here didn't catch it all


Well-Known Member
You really necro'd this 5 year old thread man?

This study and the study I posted in the current thread have NO RELATION to one another! They are from two different studies. This is about the affects of cannabis on the developing body from volunteer anecdotal evidence.. it has nothing to do with the study on social and economic mobility from UC Davis' project--which used both anecdotal volunteer evidence AND research pulled from government databases (taxes, driver's records, criminal records, marriage records, etc).
UC Davis project???!!! Dude you have no concept of the academia paper game. I shall repeat, UC Davis had nothing to do with said study other than the prinicpal author is recently employed there. Principal author had nothing to do with the original Dunedin study.
Edit: Principal author's academic background is in Public Health, a very agenda driven field of study


Well-Known Member
UC Davis project???!!! Dude you have no concept of the academia paper game. I shall repeat, UC Davis had nothing to do with said study other than the prinicpal author is recently employed there. Principal author had nothing to do with the original Dunedin study.
Edit: Principal author's academic background is in Public Health, a very agenda driven field of study
How many single malts have you had today?

"The study, conducted by an international team of researchers led by Magdalena Cerdá at the University of California, Davis, Health System, and Avshalom Caspi and Terrie Moffitt at Duke University, appears online on March 23 in the journal Clinical Psychological Science ."

Did you guys even read the damn article? Holy shit.

Btw, what farcical BS do you mean by 'academia paper game'? What 'game'?


Well-Known Member
Yes I did, did you?
Here, I'll elucidate:

UC Davis project???!!! Dude you have no concept of the academia paper game. I shall repeat, UC Davis had nothing to do with said study other than the prinicpal author is recently employed there. Principal author had nothing to do with the original Dunedin study.
Edit: Principal author's academic background is in Public Health, a very agenda driven field of study
"The study, conducted by an international team of researchers led by Magdalena Cerdá at the University of California, Davis, Health System, and Avshalom Caspi and Terrie Moffitt at Duke University, appears online on March 23 in the journal Clinical Psychological Science ." (, 2nd paragraph)

If you actually read the article, you'd realize it used more information than just the New Zealand based Dunedin study.

And again, to quote the same article you supposedly read: "
The authors assessed the frequency and duration of cannabis use among participants in the long-term Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study — a four-decade project maintained by the University of Otago that has been following the development of a group of 1,037 children born in 1972-1973 in Dunedin, New Zealand from birth to age 38. The Dunedin study includes participants who represent the full range of socioeconomic status and health in the general population and have had follow-up examinations at ages 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 26, 32 and, most recently, at 38.

For the current study, the authors included 947 participants who had completed at least three of the five adult cannabis assessments from ages 18 through 38. They measured both persistence of cannabis dependence, as defined by the total number of study periods out of five that the participant met criteria for cannabis dependence, and persistence of regular cannabis use as the total number of study periods out of five that a participant used cannabis for four or more days per week.

Eighteen percent, or 173 participants, were considered marijuana dependent in at least one wave of the study, and 15 percent (140 participants) fell into the regular cannabis use categories, in at least one wave of the study. Results were similar for persistent cannabis dependence and persistent regular cannabis use. (See summary of research methodology or the paper for more details.)

Other universities involved in the research study include the University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ; Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

This has been a really good 4 hour troll discussion but I'm gonna retire now lol. You guys definitely win.