The aerogarden


Active Member
well ive been looking at this awesome invention but i was curious as most will this thing grow marijuana it seems like a good set up and its cheap but could i grow a whole plant through all stages with one


Well-Known Member
It really depends on how you go about it...
In my opinion, it is the perfect "clone flowering system", because you can keep it small...

A lot of people have had troubles with both the roots and the plants overgrowing the system...Though a few have had success...

You can take a look at what I am doing, it may give you some ideas...




Well-Known Member
Ive had 3 grows with mine ..I get aprox 1 ounce of dry buds after all is said and done .. from each plant and the most you should do in it is 4


Active Member
alright thanks for the advice but im growing small plants 1-3ft and im going to using the aerogarden deluxe so more light and it will be taller


Active Member
I started with an aerogarden, but eventually went to a waterfarm and an 150w hps, I personally loved the aerogarden simplicity, but for about the same price, I would go with the HPS and waterfarm, the waterfarm has a bigger res, and with the more powerful lighting, and less height limitations I think you'll like the waterfarm/HPS combo.


Well-Known Member
I thought about a aerogarden.....I think you would be better off getting a 400 watt MH or HPS and make a bubbleponic setup. If you really know what your doing you can get some decent bud from a aerogarden. But you are really limited on plant size.
Ive seen more lousy grows from a aerogarden than outstanding ones.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Well I saw a member here who did a Aerogarden grow, I believe it was ak47. And I stand corrected his grow looked great and excellent yield.
So you can get a good grow with a aerogarden.
Sorry if I offended anyone.


Active Member
I planned on vegging in my aerogarden and then transplanting to another waterfarm... The plants in the aerogarden look great, I got 4 out 4 girls on my first try, I moved 1 into an aerofarm and left 3 in the aerogarden, put a 150w hps in there, and they have been growing great....My only major beef with it right now is that I have to refill the rez like every other day....


Active Member
I'll be finishing up soon so I'll give you a yield total any day now, I will say the plants are so crystally....God bless bagseed and aerogardens...this stuff looks as good as any of the best stuff I've tried so far....