

Well-Known Member
Does THC affect running at all... I am planning on joining my college track team and i was wondering if it affects my muscle memory or something..

pROmetHaziNe FiEnd

Active Member
all i gota say is don't smoke before you run haha
but i really don't think it should. but if you smoke cigarettes
than yeah it prolly will affect you


Well-Known Member
I tried running after smokin a fatty last Friday and then I tripped and I tell ya I hit the ground so fuckin hard, just think about doing that on a team lol :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah you will be cool as long as you don't smoke about a day before youre meet. I usta all the time in high school football and I did fine. I play college ball now.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1704399]its medicine, how can weed harm you?[/quote]

Cute. Ever hear them side effects of the medicine advertised on tv?


Sector 5 Moderator
I can just picture you smoking a big dube, then running... running... running... then you beging to wonder WFT? Where am I going? Maybe I was running from something ...or someone; maybe someone was trying to kill me! OMG, run faster!!


Well-Known Member
that one dude in the olymics that lost his medal cause they said weed was a performance enhansing (spl?) drug.. he was a snoeboarder from usa or canada?


Well-Known Member
I rode a bmx home from my brothers in the early hours, and i was completley wasted lol was mostly down hill

Ended up colliding with a parked car and smashing the door mirror off with my face, all i remember was me and the door mirror sliding along the floor lol

Got ack on my bike n dusted, woke up in morning with scratches all over my face

Fun times


Active Member
oh yea and rickey williams runs like the wind............ caught with dope like 4 tiems lol