Ted Nugent


Well-Known Member
I've had my government run 'Medicare' health insurance for 10 years now. All my costs have been covered with no exceptions.
I do pay for an insurance 'subsidy', but with Obamney Care set to kick in, in 2014, I won't have to pay for absolutely anything.
And contrary to the conservative claims of 'death panels' my Medicare coverage is much better than my BC/BS coverage.

And maybe I'll send Ted some sort of flower arrangement when he discloses which jail he's gonna choose.
Glad its working out for you. Meantime, my mother has almost gone bankrupt paying for medical expenses Medicare/Medicaid (yes she is poverty level) will not cover. Two years ago, she was booted from the hospital before she was completely ready due to Medicare requirements, and she ended up with further complications.

Anecdotals cut both ways.


Well-Known Member
^^^^Are you saying medicare/medicaid should have more funding and pay for more treatment options?


Well-Known Member
Here comes the persecution complex. Woe is me. Life is hard. The economy is recovering and we can have affordable healthcare now. What a horrible fate.

Whatever the outcome with Ted Nugent, he threatened the life of the President of the United States. Last I heard that is a class D felony.
Affordable Healthcare? Our healthcare costs $2,300 more than it did two years ago. Oh wait ....Affordable healthcare= disability/ medicare/medicaid/plan F!!

Economic recovery? LOL LOL LOL. Math was never a strong point with you was it? Mathematically a recovery is IMPOSSIBLE since 100% taxation would not cause the deficit to go down one single penny, it will still go up no matter what. You could cut every penny of government spending and close every single government office and the deficit will still grow. There is nothing we can do as a nation to stop it, the only way it stops is a final catastrophe of the economy. Even at near 0% interest the interest eats approx half of the govt tax income. Imagine what happens when interest rates rise? Because that is the ONLY thing that can happen, interest rates rising, they certainly cannot go down.


Well-Known Member
Should we try to make it better then or do away with it?
We will never be able to do away with it. Once you give the people something, you will never be able to take it back. If it ever goes away, it does so because it cannot be paid for any more. So yeah, we try to make it better, as in more efficient.


Well-Known Member
We will never be able to do away with it. Once you give the people something, you will never be able to take it back. If it ever goes away, it does so because it cannot be paid for any more. So yeah, we try to make it better, as in more efficient.
You should be alright with the healthcare law because it is an attempt at making healthcare available and affordable. Whether it works or not is to be seen. But, attempting to adapt and change is better than stagnation. Plus, if it fails we will at least have data and results on what worked and what failed. If we do nothing, we will never know. ya know?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me. Fuck the rest of you!


Well-Known Member
^If anyone has ever summed up the republican party in two sentences any better, I have not seen it. ;-)

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Medicare only covers 80% of medical costs, that's why I pay 290$ monthly to a seperate insurance to cover any additional costs.

After 'Obamney Care' care kicks in, in 2014, I won't have to pay for a supplemental plan.

And, after 2014, what happened to your mother will not be allowed, under the new law.

I'm sorry for your mom's misfortunes and if I hadn't had Medicare, I would have incurred 200,000$ for a hospital stay last year which, believe me, would certainly bankrupt me.

The Republican rhetoric about the evils of Obamney Care, just isn't true.

After all, Obamney Care was invented by Mitt Romney.

(Mitt invented it to care for us 47%er's.)

I enjoyed Ted when he was with the Amboy Dukes, other than that, NOT!!