Tea Party


Well-Known Member
On the Point of Mark Williams

Before he got fired for making "ill advised comments' (saying in effect blacks had it good as slaves) He was going to quit. Why? So he could dedicate more time to protesting the so called World trade center mosque, and spend more time on the US/mexican Border protesting Los angeles for Boycotting Arizona over their Immigration law

The genie is out of the Bottle. you cant put it back in. Google images of Tea party Rallys look like a photo of a polar bear in a snow storm
How is the comment racist anyways?

Stupid? Yes.

Racist? Not so much.

It does not matter anyway because that particular Teabagger group cut all ties with him immediately afterward.

And that is just one group. There are HUNDREDS of individual Teabagger groups out there.

The Teabagger movement is bottom-up; decentralized.

Islam is a RELIGION, not a race. How is protesting the 9/11 Victory Mosque racism?

What is so racist about expecting the Federal Government to enforce the borders? Or supporting state law doing so when the Federal Government FAILS to do so?

Only Proggies and Libtards are susceptible to the Big Lie. No matter how many times you repeat it.

And your insistence on repeating it says much more about YOU than it does the Teabaggers. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You are entitled to your own opinions

But you are not entitled to make up your own facts

Denying racism in the Tea Party doesnt mitigate its existance.
Anyone can call themselves a Teabagger.

The presence of unsavory people within any movement does not define it.

Which is where your accusations fall flat.

Unless you would care to explain Democratic SENATOR Robert Byrd, or Fred Phelps. :lol:


New Member
Democratic Senator Robert Byrd was (until his death) A racist

Fred Phelps Voted and Registered as a Democrat. Dont think he endorses anyone either party
He is a piece of shyt bigot.

Thats how I answer that.
Now tell me about racist elements in the Tea party.


Well-Known Member
Democratic Senator Robert Byrd was (until his death) A racist

Fred Phelps Voted and Registered as a Democrat. Dont think he endorses anyone either party
He is a piece of shyt bigot.

Thats how I answer that.
Now tell me about racist elements in the Tea party.
I told you previously. You choose not to pay attention.

The Teabaggers cannot control who calls themselves a Teabagger any more than the Democrats could stop Senator Byrd from being re-elected (repeatedly); or prevent Fred Phelps from registering as a Democrat, or running for office as a Democrat.

You seem to be able to forgive the Democratic Party for tolerating unsavory individuals in its ranks, but you are unwilling to extend the same consideration to the Teabaggers. Hmmm.

Like I stated earlier, the fact that you keep promoting the BIG LIE says far more about YOU than it does the Teabaggers. ;-)

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
FACT: The Tea Party people are the new KKK — racists cloaking their hate with political protests — which sometimes slips into threats and violence. The pictures, the sound bites, the constant whining about, “freedom!” … “taking back our country!” … “the constitution!” … by Tea Partiers, are eerily similar to those of the original KKK

That's my rant for today
FACT: You're and ignorant moron.

See how that works?

and the Irony is I have more Prof than you do.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I didn't make up an facts. I was replying to YOUR made up facts and I called you out for you putting out a sub-par survey and sub-par opinion pieces.
You are entitled to your own opinions

But you are not entitled to make up your own facts

Denying racism in the Tea Party doesnt mitigate its existance.


Well-Known Member
FACT: The Tea Party people are the new KKK — racists cloaking their hate with political protests — which sometimes slips into threats and violence. The pictures, the sound bites, the constant whining about, “freedom!” … “taking back our country!” … “the constitution!” … by Tea Partiers, are eerily similar to those of the original KKK

That's my rant for today
This has Democrate all over it!!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Obama is clearly a muslim, why else would his christian church be the centerpiece oh the smear campaign of the righties in 2008?


Well-Known Member
The studies about tea partiers being more racially rrsentful make a lot of sense, I have never interacted with a group of people so quick to condemn any minority they could for their lot in life.

Question...where was the tea party when the last president grew government and spent like crazy?

Why, oh why did they suddenly decide enough was enough once obama showed up?

Kind of odd and damning.


Well-Known Member
lets see, use a war to distract a populous while you subvert there rights then install a minority figurehead so that anyone finally waking up to what is going is will be dismissed as a racist


Well-Known Member
Btw, the quotes in my sig are from tea partiers. I even had to get rid of a third one due to lack of space. The third one was also from a tea partier.

For some reason, tea partiers feel that their right to be bigoted trumps the rights of others to not be harmed by their bigotry. This is the level of intellect I have encountered with these bought and paid for bunch of tools.


Well-Known Member
FACT: The Tea Party people are the new KKK — racists cloaking their hate with political protests — which sometimes slips into threats and violence. The pictures, the sound bites, the constant whining about, “freedom!” … “taking back our country!” … “the constitution!” … by Tea Partiers, are eerily similar to those of the original KKK

That's my rant for today

You poor dumbasscrat, did some old people burn a teabag cross in your front yard. Did some old person call you a hippie. And being you must hate America why are you worried about the constitution are the teaparty wanting the private sector growing the country. Don't worry you will get your welfare check loser.



Well-Known Member
Btw, the quotes in my sig are from tea partiers. I even had to get rid of a third one due to lack of space. The third one was also from a tea partier.

For some reason, tea partiers feel that their right to be bigoted trumps the rights of others to not be harmed by their bigotry. This is the level of intellect I have encountered with these bought and paid for bunch of tools.
I wish the fuck you would tell me where I can pick up my check for the teaparties I went too. Teaparty people are not union and are not paid to go to people houses to try and scare CEOs. Why is it you fucking dumbasscrats not talking about the fucked up unions going to peoples houses. Dumbass fuckers scared of a bunch old ass people. What the fuck is this country going to look like when you stupid scared fuckers are ruinning it. LMFAO RUN DUMMYCRATS THE OLD PEOPLE ARE COMING. still LMFAO


Well-Known Member
I wish the fuck you would tell me where I can pick up my check for the teaparties I went too. Teaparty people are not union and are not paid to go to people houses to try and scare CEOs. Why is it you fucking dumbasscrats not talking about the fucked up unions going to peoples houses. Dumbass fuckers scared of a bunch old ass people. What the fuck is this country going to look like when you stupid scared fuckers are ruinning it. LMFAO RUN DUMMYCRATS THE OLD PEOPLE ARE COMING. still LMFAO
That is the thing, tea partiers are so easily manipulated, they will do the bidding of their masters for free, even if it is against their own rational self intetesy.

So much awesome.

munch box

Well-Known Member
All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
James Madison