Tea Party


Well-Known Member
Your evidence sir comes from bias media reports


And exactly which media reports are unbiased? CNN nope, NBC nope, fox hell no, how about ALJAZEER? well nope but if you ever watch it you'll see that entire muslim world is laughing at American politics.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Ok say you want to trick a populous into thinking they are moving forward in civil rights and personal liberty while taking away all liberties? first you distract them with a war so they think they are in big danger, now this has to me long running war with no definite enemy just hazey discriptions of people protecting their own homeland from invasion. next make the populous think they are shucking off that horrible leader for what else but a first time minority representative, and if anyone dislikes his policies we will just call them rascist bigots discrediting their entire argument, now while the people are arguing amongst themselves lets just forget to repeal the patriot act, increase spending till it cripples our economy, making everyone dependent on the state for jobs and income, and now we have even more revenue and an even more controllable populous, which will now do whatever our approved media programs tell them.
Yup. the economy must be racist because its not doing what obama wants it to do. Wall street must be racist, because every time obama gives a speach about recovery, all the stocks tank, And buisness must be racist because they are not hiring. And be rest assured no matter what happens, Obama will never take the blame for anything, it will always be somebody elses fault, and thats why nothing will get fixed.... until 2012. Even if republicans don't take the white house in 2012, I think they will gain control of the senate. Hopefully we can get some tea party people in there


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
you see when you have activists show up to support a cause, like for instance WTO riots in seattle, there where anarchists, PETA people all kinds of smaller groups showing up to show support for a cause,

There is no evidence that the Tea party movement dresses in sheets and hangs blacks, the leader of the tea party is not reffered to as a grand wizard, and the majority of tea partiers are middle class people, not welfair hillbillys, not rich business owners, not anti semites, or any other label you place on people to discredit there points,


Well-Known Member
"white supremacists and anti-Semites are planning to exploit Tea Parties to disseminate their hateful views and recruit a larger following."
You just posted "evidence" that clearly differentiates between the Tea Party which is being "exploited" as an opportunity to recruit for their own group.

that means that because the glorious leader of north korea believes in public healthcare and so do you that makes you North Korean,

or more specifically, if you start a bake sale and some really fat people show up, that makes you fat too.

cause that is what you are saying. that because this otehr group supports what you are doing that makes you one of them.


Well-Known Member
White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
Posted: May 18, 2009
That is not evidence of anything beyond the fact that those groups are opportunistic; and the fact that the ADL is absolutely desperate to discredit the Teabaggers.

Fred Phelps is a Democrat. Does the Democratic Party support the lunacy of Westboro Baptist Church?

Lyndon LaRouche is a Democrat. Does the Democratic Party endorse his bat-shit crazy activities?

NAMBLA supports Democratic candidates consistently. Does this reflect on the party whatsoever? Do Democrats want to "love" boys? :hump:

The Teabaggers cannot control who shows up to any of their rallies any more than the Democrats can control who supports the Democratic Party.

The Messiah promised to fundamentally change the U.S. The Teabaggers emerged because some people objected to that change.

Ever since, butt-hurt Messiah-sycophants have been trying to marginalize the Teabaggers using anything in their toolbox. The race card is merely one of those tools.


Well-Known Member
Fact #1 64% of Tea Party activists think that America’s best years are behind us.
Fact #2 66% think global warming does not exist or will not have a serious impact.
Fact #3
57% think George W. Bush was a good President.
Fact #4
90% think Sarah Palin would also be a good President.
Fact #4
32% think that violent action against the government could be justified.
Fact #5
42% want to decrease legal immigration.
Fact #6
41% believe that gay couples should have no form of legal recognition.
Fact #7
45% believe that abortion laws should be stricter than they already are.
Fact #8
59% like Glenn Beck.

The tea party posted this Billboard
View attachment 1734607

They also came up with this "white face" pic

View attachment 1734608
How does any of that associate the Teabaggers with the KKK except in your mind?

Where were you during the 2008 presidential elections? You must have been asleep throughout the year You did not see what kind of people showed up at town hall meetings? all white and all racists.
But I was awake when New Black Panthers armed with nightsticks stood outside a polling place on election day. And I was awake when Eric Holder declined to prosecute an open and shut case.

The Teabaggers did not even exist in 2008. The town hall meetings occurred in 2009 during the debate over health care.

"All white and all racists," huh? :lol:

Does that include the Union goons who showed up and introduced the ACTUAL violence and racially-charged rhetoric?

THAT'S what I was talking about when I mentioned evidence.

Unless you can prove ALL of the participants at ALL Town Hall meetings in 2009 were "all white and all racists." :dunce:

You say you want hard evidence? Its looking you right in the face.You don't read news papers or online publications? You ever been to those/any town hall meetings
You made a specious claim linking the Teabaggers to the Klan. I asked for any evidence in support of your claim.

I am still waiting by the way. :twisted:

Don't try to talk politics with me unless YOU have been keeping up with the times.

Seriously man learn something by reading and being aware
That's good advice. Perhaps you should heed it yourself.


New Member
Are Tea Partiers Racist?
A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful

Sunday, Jul 18, 2010 17:19 ET
Tea Party leader expels racist Tea Party Leader Mark Williams

White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
Posted: May 18, 2009

CNN) -- A California Republican official has apologized for sending an e-mail that depicts President Barack Obama as a young chimpanzee.

Why do 60 million Americans say Obama is a “Muslim?” – Because they can’t call him “Ni**er”
by Holte Ender on Sep 8, 2010

Youtube tea party


Well-Known Member
As you are apparently planning to repeat the same tired links until every single one is answered; I will do so now.

Are Tea Partiers Racist?
A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful
A Newsweek article which asks a provocative question in the title, but never gets around to actually answering the question in the body of the story. The title is just there for shock value and red meat to Newsweek's Liberal, and dwindling readership.

A few opinion polls and opinions from a few individuals. That's it.

No links to any hate group, just opinion.

Sunday, Jul 18, 2010 17:19 ET
Tea Party leader expels racist Tea Party Leader Mark Williams
That link could not be reached because it redirects to some advertisement, so I Googled "Tea Party Leader Mark William."

He made some ill-advised comments. The one (of many) groups calling themselves Tea Party that he led cut him loose.

They let him go after after making stupid comments. How does that reflect on the Tea Party?

Oh yeah, it doesn't.

White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
Posted: May 18, 2009
I have already addressed this one, yet here it is again!

As you could not be bothered to bring anything fresh to the table, I will post my ORIGINAL response:
That is not evidence of anything beyond the fact that those groups are opportunistic; and the fact that the ADL is absolutely desperate to discredit the Teabaggers.

Fred Phelps is a Democrat. Does the Democratic Party support the lunacy of Westboro Baptist Church?

Lyndon LaRouche is a Democrat. Does the Democratic Party endorse his bat-shit crazy activities?

NAMBLA supports Democratic candidates consistently. Does this reflect on the party whatsoever? Do Democrats want to "love" boys? :hump:

The Teabaggers cannot control who shows up to any of their rallies any more than the Democrats can control who supports the Democratic Party.

The Messiah promised to fundamentally change the U.S. The Teabaggers emerged because some people objected to that change.

Ever since, butt-hurt Messiah-sycophants have been trying to marginalize the Teabaggers using anything in their toolbox. The race card is merely one of those tools.
CNN) -- A California Republican official has apologized for sending an e-mail that depicts President Barack Obama as a young chimpanzee.
No link to this one, but I don't see any reference to the official being a Teabagger, or a Klansman for that matter.

You must not remember the comparisons of Dubya to a chimp.

Just Google Bush chimp and select IMAGES.

How long must Dubya wait for an apology? :-P

Why do 60 million Americans say Obama is a “Muslim?” – Because they can’t call him “Ni**er”
by Holte Ender on Sep 8, 2010
They could call him that ugly word if they chose, but they don't. Nothing is stopping them. Yet they don't use it. Could it be that the word is repugnant to them?

FYI, Obama was born a Muslim.

His pappy was a Muslim. Islam is patrilineal.

As a result all of Barack, Sr.'s children were born Muslim.

Maybe Americans were confused when Obama spoke of his Muslim faith before being quickly corrected by George Stephanopolis in an interview.

Maybe Americans are confused by the way he fawns and gushes over Ramadan.

Personally, I don't think he is a Muslim. He say's he became a Christian, I believe him.

But it is all irrelevant.

Islam is a religion, not a race. One of the largest religions on the world.

As such people of ALL RACES are Muslim.

A Teabagger rally. Okay.

I can see how people chanting "FREEDOM" might intimidate you. :-o

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Are Tea Partiers Racist?
A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful

Sunday, Jul 18, 2010 17:19 ET

Tea Party leader expels racist Tea Party Leader Mark Williams

White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
Posted: May 18, 2009

CNN) -- A California Republican official has apologized for sending an e-mail that depicts President Barack Obama as a young chimpanzee.

Why do 60 million Americans say Obama is a “Muslim?” – Because they can’t call him “Ni**er”
by Holte Ender on Sep 8, 2010

Youtube tea party

This is what was asked by the survey takers in your first link. Really?

I'll draw upon three for illustrative purposes. For the first two models, the dependent variables are ordinal, so I report predicted probabilities. The dependent measure for the third model is an index, and is therefore continuous. For this, I estimate a simple regression model. Controlling for political ideology and party identification, support for the tea party (as it goes from its minimum to maximum value) results in a 23% increase in the likelihood that whites believe that "recent immigration levels will take jobs away from people already here." Moreover, support for the tea party decreases support, by 22%, for gay or lesbian adoption. Support for the tea party also promotes racism. In this example, I draw on Kinder and Sanders' (1996) work on racial resentment. I use the following four items to represent racial resentment: "Irish, Italians, and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors"; "Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class"; "Over the past few years blacks have gotten less than they deserve"; and "It's really a matter of not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder, they could be just as well off as whites." (alpha = .75) I use this instead of the stereotype items because it better captures the contours of more modern racism, one in which whites perceive blacks in violation of traditional American values. Really? Really?

Second one is an opinion piece. How can you throw someone out if there isn't a 'party' and Mitch McConnell is not Tea Party. He is an R.

Third one is from 2009! How do you suggest stopping someone from going to an open event?

Fourth one no link

Fifth one is from a personal website and is a personal opinion piece.

Sixth is a Youtube piece from the NewLeftMedia - REALLY?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
You've forgotten that if the leftists repeat it often enough and say it loud enough they forget the truth and then they believe what they say to be facts not OPINIONS.

As you are apparently planning to repeat the same tired links until every single one is answered; I will do so now.

A Newsweek article which asks a provocative question in the title, but never gets around to actually answering the question in the body of the story. The title is just there for shock value and red meat to Newsweek's Liberal, and dwindling readership.

A few opinion polls and opinions from a few individuals. That's it.

No links to any hate group, just opinion.

That link could not be reached because it redirects to some advertisement, so I Googled "Tea Party Leader Mark William."

He made some ill-advised comments. The one (of many) groups calling themselves Tea Party that he led cut him loose.

They let him go after after making stupid comments. How does that reflect on the Tea Party?

Oh yeah, it doesn't.

I have already addressed this one, yet here it is again!

As you could not be bothered to bring anything fresh to the table, I will post my ORIGINAL response:

No link to this one, but I don't see any reference to the official being a Teabagger, or a Klansman for that matter.

You must not remember the comparisons of Dubya to a chimp.

Just Google Bush chimp and select IMAGES.

How long must Dubya wait for an apology? :-P

They could call him that ugly word if they chose, but they don't. Nothing is stopping them. Yet they don't use it. Could it be that the word is repugnant to them?

FYI, Obama was born a Muslim.

His pappy was a Muslim. Islam is patrilineal.

As a result all of Barack, Sr.'s children were born Muslim.

Maybe Americans were confused when Obama spoke of his Muslim faith before being quickly corrected by George Stephanopolis in an interview.

Maybe Americans are confused by the way he fawns and gushes over Ramadan.

Personally, I don't think he is a Muslim. He say's he became a Christian, I believe him.

But it is all irrelevant.

Islam is a religion, not a race. One of the largest religions on the world.

As such people of ALL RACES are Muslim.

A Teabagger rally. Okay.

I can see how people chanting "FREEDOM" might intimidate you. :-o


New Member
On the Point of Mark Williams

Before he got fired for making "ill advised comments' (saying in effect blacks had it good as slaves) He was going to quit. Why? So he could dedicate more time to protesting the so called World trade center mosque, and spend more time on the US/mexican Border protesting Los angeles for Boycotting Arizona over their Immigration law

The genie is out of the Bottle. you cant put it back in. Google images of Tea party Rallys look like a photo of a polar bear in a snow storm


New Member
You've forgotten that if the leftists repeat it often enough and say it loud enough they forget the truth and then they believe what they say to be facts not OPINIONS.
You are entitled to your own opinions

But you are not entitled to make up your own facts

Denying racism in the Tea Party doesnt mitigate its existance.