tap root?

i think i might have tap root, my plant been growing the past 3 days really really slowly, if event growning at all. i have some roots sticking out about 1/4 inche from the drain holes...what you guys think? replant?


Well-Known Member
"Tap root" is not some kind of plant problem, it's an important part of your plant(from seed)....the main center root of the plant, from which most branch out. I sure hope you have "tap root" or you're in for trouble.lol :wink:

At any rate....yes, it could use a transplant. Although it's not quite to the point of being badly rootbound, the roots are being restricted. That one of the main reasons that it's staying tall and skinny, rather than branching out.
Why would you say if it's not rootbound then I'm in trouble?

"Tap root" is not some kind of plant problem, it's an important part of your plant(from seed)....the main center root of the plant, from which most branch out. I sure hope you have "tap root" or you're in for trouble.lol :wink:

At any rate....yes, it could use a transplant. Although it's not quite to the point of being badly rootbound, the roots are being restricted. That one of the main reasons that it's staying tall and skinny, rather than branching out.