Tangerine dream, has anyone grown it?


Well-Known Member
How sensitive is it to various things? Does it hermie a lot? Would it be good for scrog? Anyone have any pictures?


Well-Known Member
Mine didnt hermie at all, it just took FOREVER to grow.
Its going through the dry/cure now so I dont have a smoke report on it. I just dont see it being as good as the amount of time it took.


Well-Known Member
That sucks... It's a pretty stout strain. I read great smoke reports... I hope it blows you out of the water!


Well-Known Member
Mine took 13 weeks to finish. No herm problems. Pretty easy to grow. Just takes way too long. Would not grow again.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
This strain seems to be full of problems. I have seen only a few decent grows of it and the rest were failures. From the germination of the seeds to the rare harvest. Not noob growers either, I would look elsewhere.


Active Member
i had one that would NOT grow towards light, finally in flower i started training it up to the light and a few weeks in it started not being scared of the dang light lol New one on me, its not done yet so no results, very very little crystal production or smell but if you rub it it does smell of tangerine. In fairness i wont blame the genetics just yet(first run of it) it suffered some stress during germing when i used the wrong dirt and burned it a bit but the lemon skunk had the same burn and came back just fine(excellent actually). Good luck with this one.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt even finish mine. flowering time is way too long.
i will wait awhile for a solid strain, but not this one with its minimal resin production,
it reminded me of some bagseed genetics.
will not grow again


Well-Known Member
I gotta get some pics of my little bros Tangerine Dream. It finished in 9 weeks and it's dank as hell lookin' and smells straight up like sweet tangerines for sure. Nice big thick heavy buds too. I'll go over and ghet some pics today before he cuts it, he told me yesterday he was chopping it in a few days. I was surprised to see what he came up with.....one pheno is killer anyway....I think he got lucky!
I'm 5 weeks into flowering with my Tangerine dream plant. So far I'm not impressed with either its production or quality, but it has been nutrient-tolerant for me, and pretty easy to grow.


Well-Known Member
Let me go into abit more detail. I will say the last 2 or 3 weeks the plant really started to plump up and it smells just like tangerines. I had a friend over a few weeks before I cut it and he touched the bud and when he smelled his fingers he said "WOW it smells just like oranges". Although it really was tangerine's that he was looking for, not oranges. The crystals didnt start producing until the very end and they were coming along nicely when I chopped it. If I had given it another 2 weeks I am sure it would have been coated with crystals but I needed the space. I am not sure of dried weight yet, but 30 days in veg and however long in flower with 1 topping at the 6th node down to the 4th node looks to be about 3z when its all dried and cured.


Harvested one 5 days ago. Was the more indica pheno. 12-13wk flower outdoors. almost all hairs swelled and receeded, very tan colored hairs. Smell is dank, throughout flowering a very strong hint or orange and mango. Pretty slow in flowering, good bursts around wk 4-5 then slows like hell! the last few weeks just takes agggeeess!

After a 5 day dry, smoked a bud, omfg! woweee! it tastes of mango very strong. the smell of the bud once open is so pungent that just cracking the jars open in one room stinks other rooms up! High is pretty good but need to cure for a long time before any final comments. so far i am very pleased, not many strains smell this exotic.

Also bear in mind my conditions were far far from perfect, daytime temps touching 100, brutal sunlight at all times. They seemed to love the heat. quite a lot of bugs attracted to them. Hell they even flowered at 11/13 and were going strong at 14/10!

All in all gd strain, love the exotic taste and high. Yield wise its pretty good, on the higher side for the indica pheno but for the sativa phenos shitty yields and 16/17wk flower!

It seems to help my appetite disorder very well.


New Member
I have a tangerine dream from Barney's farm going now. It is about to start fourth week of veg. She is doing well, but was yellowing pretty bad at week two to week three. She seems sensitive to Nutes to me. I cut them in half and color is looking better. She was getting taller than most of my other strains and I FIMed her. Not a good FIM so she reacted like a topping, but she is kicking well with two tops starting. Other than yellowing she has been easy to grow. Ask me later and I can tell you how flowering goes, lol.

420 couple

Here's the girls just end of 4th week of flowering. Flowered them at 30" and they now stand 54" there getting very hairy we trimmed off all the little piddly stuff. They smell like tangerine and crystals are forming. Have 3 MMG same flowering time they look awesome.420 015.jpg


Active Member
hello all....

i really need help here.... have 5 TD seeds ready to pop out.... but after read this thread im worried about the flowering time... is really that long?... i read good reports about this seed...but what really matter is the experience of the growers... any smoke reports???

thanks and peace!


Well-Known Member
From looks of things I would say the indica pheno is about 12-14 weeks and the sativa pheno is as long as you feel like growing it. I lost track of time but I was atleast around 15-16th week when I cut mine and I was barely getting cloudy crystals at that point and mostly solid white pistols. I just got sick of it taking up 1/4th of my grow box forever. Im about 20 days away from cure so I will come back and update when its properly cured.