taking dxm hbr and dxm polistirex together


Well-Known Member
i have a 3oz bottle of delsym and robitussin cough gels its fine to take both dxm hbr and polistirex together right? i want to trip as hard as possible because all this together is only about 600mg of dxm and im used to taking 1000 i want all the dxm to hit me at once so i should take the polistirex first then wait a little to take the gels right? since the polistirex takes longer. also any tips to make my trip crazy and more intense would be good lol


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I don't see why this wouldn't work.. the polystirex is a lil more wavy, so once it kicks in taking HBr should fuck you up hard core lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah still going to be a low trip =\. Just smoke some weed..If you have some nitrous I would take a few hits of that too =D.