T5-ho zonie style


Well-Known Member
Well I have a 2' t5 now, I love it, but I dont have 250 ):
Im poor
no job, And I have to make car payments... fuckkk meee.


Active Member
I hear that, bro! That's why I opted for my 4 ft. I figured it would save me needing to purchase a fan to move hot air, lol


Well-Known Member
CFLS boys.... I made a 500 Watt light set up for under 40 bucks at HomeDepot. Things rocks my seedlings with light, im over t5's and im ALL ABOUT ALGORE bulbs for growing.


Active Member
Looks like you switched up your germinating process. I have stuck with a simple system of a 2hr soak in tap water and then placing them in the botanicare plugs. Sea of green is the only place I know of that sells them, my understanding is botanicare only sells the large $300 box of them, however sea of green makes small packs of like 20 plugs. These are the best things I have used for seeds. just drop them in the hole and cover them and within 3-4 days you have a sprout sticking out. You can not over-water them and they retain moisture very well. My dad has been growing for 30+ years and he now just has me sprout seeds for him using my method due to 100% success rate.


Active Member
Do some research on UV-B bulbs. Theyre cheap, low wattage, and increase resin production. No grow store sells them though cause not too many people know about them


Well-Known Member
Germinating Tip: I always used wet paper towels, until I found this from a thread and it worked great. Just drop them in a jar of clean water maybe 1% H2O2 and let em rip. You can leave them in there with tap roots long enough to place properly in your grow medium of choice.


Well-Known Member
Sweet setup and lights.....I have a 4bulb t5 and would choose them over cfl's any day. Looking healthy and stacked.


Well-Known Member
CFLS boys.... I made a 500 Watt light set up for under 40 bucks at HomeDepot. Things rocks my seedlings with light, im over t5's and im ALL ABOUT ALGORE bulbs for growing.
Yup I know lots of growers who look for a more affordable method of growing and they get some decent harvests from using just CFL's.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for your feedback, guys! Yes, I did switch up my germination method. I went with a ghetto DWC; using a ice cream bucket and a wally world air stone. The problem I think is most prevalent in the germination process in our region is the apparent lack of humidity. AZ is fucking dry period, the end. So I was thinking that my DWC set up is the most cost effective way to germ these seeds and keep the environment they're in relatively humid. I think eventually I am gonna spring for a couple of 10x20 trays, a dome, and a heating pad. Does anyone know what happens if you take a heating pad and heat nute solution during the germination phase (DWC with heating pad)? I also FIMed my Super Skunk... I am a little nervous because I never topped any plants before. I'm not sure if I took too much off the top or not. I'll be posting pictures tomorrow of my FIM job.


Well-Known Member
MurshD: You shouldn't need a heating pad in AZ, but when you do drink Dos Equis.

Seriously, water/nute/RH temp for starting seeds ~ 70-80 degrees. Buy a Hygrometer (~$25). I don't think letting the starter cubes soak is a good idea, too easy to drown your seedlings. Here's a thought: make a table just big enough to hold the number of starter cubes that fits inside your bubble bucket; make the top out of anything that has lots of small holes- large enough for oxygenated moisture to pass through but small enough to keep your starter cubes from falling through. Fill bubbler to within ~ 1-2' of the bottom of the table top and let er rip. I found a small storage container with lots of holes at the Dollar Store (think miniature liter bottle carrier), just turn it over so that the bottom becomes the top. AZ probably calls them Peso Stores . lol

This isn't my technique, but it is close. hth


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for your feedback, guys! Yes, I did switch up my germination method. I went with a ghetto DWC; using a ice cream bucket and a wally world air stone. The problem I think is most prevalent in the germination process in our region is the apparent lack of humidity. AZ is fucking dry period, the end. So I was thinking that my DWC set up is the most cost effective way to germ these seeds and keep the environment they're in relatively humid. I think eventually I am gonna spring for a couple of 10x20 trays, a dome, and a heating pad. Does anyone know what happens if you take a heating pad and heat nute solution during the germination phase (DWC with heating pad)? I also FIMed my Super Skunk... I am a little nervous because I never topped any plants before. I'm not sure if I took too much off the top or not. I'll be posting pictures tomorrow of my FIM job.
Dont use nutes in germination. Just water all you are trying to do in germination is soften the shell to expose the tap root. Just use R/O water then when you get your first set of leaves use light nutes like 1/4 strength.


Active Member
I think next germ run I'm only gonna use 1/4 strength b-52 (4 Ml tops) after the first leaves sprout... I'll be working on an update for you guys tonight.


Active Member
Yup looks like you did not miss on that one congrats now be crazy and FIM every node when it is ready and you to can have a mess like I have trying to keep them guided to your liking. LOL


Well-Known Member
plants loook real nice man...well done^^

I think you should upload the vid to Youtube then post it from there..only way i think


Well-Known Member
Weekly update! My Super Skunk is in week 4 and doing fantastic. The Blue Hash and Chem Dog are in week 2 along with my bag seed they have been FIMmed and trimmed check it out... anyone know how to upload video?
they're looking nice and healthy. FIMed them huh? fuckimissed! lol


Active Member
Here's my first video update, guys! One of these days we should all hit up an IHOP or Denny's and bullshit.[video=youtube;JfTfqYGRb1A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfTfqYGRb1A[/video]


Well-Known Member
Here's my first video update, guys! One of these days we should all hit up an IHOP or Denny's and bullshit.[video=youtube;JfTfqYGRb1A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfTfqYGRb1A[/video]

nice! i should video one of my grows. it's nice to look back and see what was done with a really good crop.

all i want to do is get legal, bring a bunch of my genetics somewhere with a few other like minded folks, and do some trading, as long as it's legal. i'm still nervous about meetings etc. years of conditioning! :)