Synthetic Coke AKA Bath Salt


New Member
that doesnt matter to him, he just wants to make a profit and doesnt care about what happens to other people. note what he said earlier.
no i just want to know what the street price is??? is that so hard? i didnt post this for morale issues or to hear people give me a lecture"
just sayin', even among people who do research chemicals, they avoid MDPV like the plague. Theres a reason why people love to sell it, it's very addictive, but most smart people won't touch it


Well-Known Member
just sayin', even among people who do research chemicals, they avoid MDPV like the plague. Theres a reason why people love to sell it, it's very addictive, but most smart people won't touch it
sorry, re-read my post, i clarified my feelings more since re-reading it myself i wasnt satisfied with it. you and i are on the same page.


Well-Known Member
My wife brougt some home one day from smoke shop and was actually going to put it in the tub but I showed her the dirty truth...and...well coke is better.

The end.


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of bullshit. What kind of fucking moron is gonna buy that? If someone does I hope their head explodes. One less dumbass in this world.


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of bullshit. What kind of fucking moron is gonna buy that? If someone does I hope their head explodes. One less dumbass in this world.
my guess would be people who want to do drugs but have jobs that piss test or are on probation/parole. that was the case with k2 or spice or whatever you want to call the synthetic pot around here. Alarmingly it also got really big with middle/high school age kids because of it not being illegal, really big, they went and completely banned it after kids kept having seizures and blacking out and shit. Real weed is so much safer, but the government refuses to see that...err...kind of went off topic a bit, sorry. lol


Well-Known Member
dude that shit killed a few kids in my town as soon as it came out. they said it can kill you with one i dunno how true that is all i know is that a handfull of ppl died of that shit a couple months back so id stay away from it


Well-Known Member
dude that shit killed a few kids in my town as soon as it came out. they said it can kill you with one i dunno how true that is all i know is that a handfull of ppl died of that shit a couple months back so id stay away from it
he doesnt care, he just cares about how much money he can make. we tried to say the same things and he said......
"no i just want to know what the street price is??? is that so hard? i didnt post this for morale issues or to hear people give me a lecture"

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Well at least choose a better RC.... lol I actually enjoy the psychoactive effects of MDPV. :) Get past the addictive aspects and it's a nice stimulant. Like Methylphenidate (aka. Ritalin). Try Dimethocaine if you want a coke replacement. At least it actually is the RC counterpart to Coke. May take 400% more to get the same euphoria. But it takes 10% as much to get the same analgesic effects. :p