Synthetic Coke AKA Bath Salt


Active Member
So i came across some of this stuff and was wondering if anyone has ever tried it. The guy i got it from said it will make you a fucking mad man. You will feel high and feel like you need more of it and if you take enough you eventually see people with guns chasing you lol? Can anyone give me some experience if they have any with it? is it legal? and for how much can i sell a gram for up in the midwest?


Well-Known Member
if you want to do coke do coke. fake drug clearly are not a god idea, at least coke is made to snort, bath salts are made to soak in.


Active Member
well i mean it looks like cocaine. Plain and simple.... it doesnt look anything like the pictures i found online of bath salt. It looks like a powder like heroin. and im wondering how much i could sell it for, i dont want it. But other people do and need to know how much for a gram


bud bootlegger
here's some info you should look into before using this garbage..

and it's not really a bath salts obviously... they just give it this name so they can sell it, just like some other companies call some of these rc's plant food, when we all clearly understand you don't use it to feed your plants with..


Well-Known Member
racerboy summed it up quite nicely. you dont want to go to prison do you? thats what will happen if you sell someone that and they die........


Well-Known Member
I am probably a bad person for saying this but that video was a letdown. by the end it was like just jump already damn see him go back up the ladder was a disappointment. of course if he had jumped im sure he would of been swiftly rescued, they had people ready to go right away to save him all suited up and everything.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was action packed, exciting, and the end was just superb.

I must have lower standards when I watch YouTube.


Active Member
no i just want to know what the street price is??? is that so hard? i didnt post this for morale issues or to hear people give me a lecture. Weed 1g = $20
so someone synthetic coke = $.....


Well-Known Member
Why would it have a street price unless you're selling it to someone under 18?

From what I understand this is something can be bought at a store or website?


New Member
Don't do MDPV. It's highly addictive, does very little to get you high, doesn't last that long, and quickly gives you psychosis and other mental health problems for months and months. I'm talking like 6+ months. The cons WAY out weigh the pros.


Well-Known Member
apt? huh? cn? huh? lol i dont know what you meen
Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.
Having a tendency to do something: "she was apt to confuse the past with the present".

Cannabineer signs his posts with "cn."


Well-Known Member
Don't do MDPV. It's highly addictive, does very little to get you high, doesn't last that long, and quickly gives you psychosis and other mental health problems for months and months. I'm talking like 6+ months. The cons WAY out weigh the pros.
that doesnt matter to him, he just wants to make a profit and doesnt care about what happens to other people. note what he said earlier.
"no i just want to know what the street price is??? is that so hard? i didnt post this for morale issues or to hear people give me a lecture"
it makes it pretty clear what kind of person he really is imo.....i admit that statement is a bit harsh but i feel it is warranted in this case since its true.


Ursus marijanus
I don't know if I should blame petroleum prices, union labor or Haarp, but locally the price for even the meanest street is TENS of thousands. cn