Super soil is good. But is it really the best?


Active Member
Ive been thinking about trying this out. I am turned off by the fact that you need to have big containers of soil sitting around for a while. Also I dont like the fact that its super concentrated and is only on the bottom of the pot. In my experience having a soil that is lighter on nutrients during the vegetative period will help the plant to spread its roots faster. The faster it spreads its roots the faster and bigger it will grow in the long run. Also, it makes it impossible to fix the plant if it is starting to burn in the soil.. Just think about it, if all the nutrients are in the very bottom of the pot, its almost like the top half of the soil is there for no reason and its making the nutrients go all the way through that empty medium to get picked up. Also, with bottled nutrients you gain the abillity to be more versatile. If you know what certain deficiencies look like... you can correct them. Also, some strains take more of one nutrient and less of another, and it looks like alot of plants grown in super soil will finish with maybe a phosphorus deficiency but be abundant in nitrogen. I dont think it affects the taste much with organics.. I just think it affects yields.

Are there any growers who have done side by side comparisions using the same pot size?

Again, Im not doggin this mix at all.. Its great for people who arent very good at diagnosing plant deficiencies or people who just dont even want to think about that at all. I am no pro at growing myself.. but I think im gonna pass on this mix, or any type of water only soil mix for that matter. I think its more beneficial to add the nutes in at a steady pace and let the plant eat everything before giving it more food. I want my plants to be almost all yellow when being finished!

P.S- subcool ur awesome and i look up to you for many reasons that have nothing to do with your soil mix!


Active Member
The only ammendments I think I am going to ever add are micronutes and perlite and lime.. Just so I can avoid using cal-mag(contains nitrates) > . <


Well-Known Member
Super soil is a great recipe that produces "top shelf" organic medicine, it's made to take out the guess work like this. My advice would be to just follow the recipe, but they're plenty of modified recipes In the organics section if you'd like to take a look, this topic gets covered almost every week. Theirs plenty of great recipes if your looking for something else.


Active Member
Im not arguing that its not a good soil mix. Im just wondering if there is any benefit to using it if you arent afraid of bottled nutrients. Does it actually produce more bud? Do the plants grow faster or slower? I dont care about how easy a particular method is. Im willing to do anything to get the best yields other than sacrifice quality.


Active Member
hmm.. a bit off topic but yes, that would be a soillessmix.. i prefer to have something in the soil to get them started


Active Member
Top self Meds every time, no chemical taste, easy as Puck, easyest way to produce the BEST buds. I like it, i love it, i can't get enogh of it!!!!


Well-Known Member

Ignorance and arrogance will get someone nowhere in this field.

The old 'Don't knock it till you try it' adage could be greatly served for you here.

Though not a personal user of the super soil recipe, utilizing the Soil Food Web by way of soil biodiversity (amendments, etc.) is widely considered one of the most natural and pure ways of mimicking nature in an indoor, unnatural environment...and Super Soil does exactly just that.

Give it a try sometime and I think you'll love the results!



Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the number one thing people are so concerned about is the yield. I am only concerned about one thing and one thing only and thats the QUALITY of the finished product. Thats why I love the Rev's TLO style of growing.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the number one thing people are so concerned about is the yield. I am only concerned about one thing and one thing only and thats the QUALITY of the finished product. Thats why I love the Rev's TLO style of growing.
Although Im yet too harvest with TLO herb. I am in the process of trying revs TLO method and have high hopes. Was thinking of tweaking his recipe with super soil and a bigger container.. Well see how that goes. As for yield, As long as you veg for a long period of time and have them females well trained, and of course high yielding genetics, it is possible for high yield with high quality with super soil:peace:


Well-Known Member
I have two large garbage cans full of aged supersoil. So I think that I will incorporate the two styles together and see what happens. I think it will turn out pretty dam killer. My supersoil has a few more amendments than sub's. I think it's a more complete soil.


Well-Known Member
Im not arguing that its not a good soil mix. Im just wondering if there is any benefit to using it if you arent afraid of bottled nutrients. Does it actually produce more bud? Do the plants grow faster or slower? I dont care about how easy a particular method is. Im willing to do anything to get the best yields other than sacrifice quality.
I was a hydro guy for years everything from DWC to flood tables to coco.. I'm on my second grow using Sub cool's super soil mix. Hydroponics will yield you bigger buds but Super Soil will have your buds tasting a hell of a lot better and plus Super Soil is Super Cheap and super easy. With super soil you just water with R/O water, thats about it. I also add my own compost teas every 2nd or 3rd watering. If all you care about is yield then stick with hydroponics but if you care about the over all finished product you really cant beat organic gardening, plus its cheap to grow. My two cents.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the number one thing people are so concerned about is the yield. I am only concerned about one thing and one thing only and thats the QUALITY of the finished product. Thats why I love the Rev's TLO style of growing.

Overall finished product? 99% of the time organics will win whether its the Rev's recipe, veganics , or Subs Super soil, organics will win hands down. I have no problem admitting that and I was a hydro guy for like 5 years before I ever tried organics.


Well-Known Member
Overall finished product? 99% of the time organics will win whether its the Rev's recipe, veganics , or Subs Super soil, organics will win hands down. I have no problem admitting that and I was a hydro guy for like 5 years before I ever tried organics.
Well said, sadly lots of people hate on Matt for his veganic method or hate sub for his supersoil recipe and rev for his TLO style.
But put all that aside, like u said organics will win


Well-Known Member
That's why i'm going to incorporate the two, you can't go wrong with any style of organic growing. I don't hate on any of their styles I try learn as much as I can from all growers and breeders.


Well-Known Member
That's why i'm going to incorporate the two, you can't go wrong with any style of organic growing. I don't hate on any of their styles I try learn as much as I can from all growers and breeders.
All I can say is that if you're lazy or dont have all the time in the world to tend to your garden go the Subcool super soil route.. You literally can grow some dank ass organic buds by doing nothing but watering your super soil when needed. You dont even need to get any of the ingredients at the hydro store you can find it all or most of it at your local nursery. I myself will be trying out the Rev's recipe in the near future.


Well-Known Member
I make my own mix, a variation of LC's or Vic's. I use this for everything and make 10-12cf at a pop.

Since MJ accounts for less than 10% of my mix usage, SS just doesn't fit into the equation in any large amounts.

Since it's nothing more than jumped up 'normal' mix, it's easy enough to take 1 or 2cf of the base mix and bump up the necessary amendments to SS strength a month or so before flowering is induced. I rarely need more than 10gal or so of hot mix. I don't use it for vegging mj or container veggies, just flowering and even then, not always.

The problem with SS IMNSHO is, the very people who should avoid it are the ones using and mis-using it. The newbs and inexperienced growers. You can certainly burn with organics and under cook and over apply amendments.

There is no flushing what is part of your actual soil construct. That's a straight fact.

Nothing wrong with SS, just know what you're doing first.
