Super Indica Unkown Bagseed Strain Grow (Gaint seedling content inside)


Active Member

look at the leaf in the top right of the last pic.....damn right all that frost is Trichs on the new growth ALREADY!


Active Member
Doubt that it is Ruda bagseed :) . Looks good most of mine are at the same stage .
The clones look good and are impressive you did a good job .
When I need to take clones on next grow will contact you on how to make that half assed bubbler , your clones look healthy .
Stems look thick on your plants should pack on some big flowers now .
Peace will check soon too see how they are doing .


Active Member
Doubt that it is Ruda bagseed :) . Looks good most of mine are at the same stage .
The clones look good and are impressive you did a good job .
When I need to take clones on next grow will contact you on how to make that half assed bubbler , your clones look healthy .
Stems look thick on your plants should pack on some big flowers now .
Peace will check soon too see how they are doing .
i dont know wtf that guy was talking about lol, rudy pheno here, when have you seen frost on a fan leaf this early? let alone on a rudy xD and thanks for the comment, been kinda dissapointed with the feedback here this go around.

and yea, wrap a bottle of spring water in duct tape, add a drop of superthrive, make a hole for the cutting and one for the airstone tube, poor out water to the appropriate level for your cutting, dip your cutting in root hormone and put it through the bigger hole in the lid, put the airtone tubing through the smaller hole and run it to the bottom after attaching the airstone.....plug it up

thats it, no humidity dome, no changing water every day (just every few days, usually only need to once), no forgetting to mist them...just roots in 4-7 days :cool:, its cheap and easy, one bubbler per clone is the only drawback, but if you only have one cutting and NEED a 100% succesfull way, this is the way to go...NEVER had a failure, not a single wilted cutting, not a SINGLE yellow leaf, not a single one took longer than 10 days

I actually potted these up because they were rooted and traded em to a buddy for a single BARNEY'S LSD cutting done the same way :D, he transplanted it to soil with tiny roots though so i made it a dome and will mist it for a bit just encase. you can see quite a few white hairs through the dome, it was taken from the mother 1 1/2 weeks into flower

she's a beauty eh? again... never wilted, never yellowed :D and they say LSD doesn't take well to topping, trimming, or cloning...pshhhhh whatever :cool:


Active Member
Your full of shit man that is not possible for a marijuana plant from seed to grow that fast. It has to root well and the second set of leaves dont even come out till like 8 days. That plant has undergrowth I smell bullshit on this I bet that plant is like 15 days old.


Active Member
^hahahahaha, fuck off man, i made the journal BECAUSE it was growing so fast. its not it is as of TODAY :D

(to everyone else, srry for no updates, been sick as shit)

GO FUCK YOURSELF LEVER, it is more than possible


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have cut those fans off man, and th only treason your plant is that size is because of the size of the pot. I hope you are not planning on flowering in that, you will run into height problems when that stretch hits, if it does.

You won't get anything from male iso.

You started outdoor wayyyy to late. They wont finish unless you are in like southern cali or something.

there is no such thing as dro.

Seeing that bout your outdoor showed sex so fast all signs point to ruderalis, same for the growth and sex showing of your fem especially from seed.

You will have height issues, unless you lst way harder.
Also, how much are you planning on yielding? 7 grams?


Active Member
hahahaha, your a fucking idiot

Goodbye RIU, im tired of all the mis information and bullshit this forum is full of

yes my grow could have been better, but if you knew what the fuck you were talking about you would know IF this had any ruderalis in it it would have shown LOOOOOONG before it did, i mean for fucks sake if it was never topped it would have been almost 2 1/2 feet tall before sex showed xD...most Rudies FINISH around that height.

Oh yea, you would also have known the major stretch before flowering ended about a week ago

Go bullshit on someone else's thread...good night

oh yea, i huess you also didnt know my outdoor showed sex fast because they were MALE, which, in my experience, almost ALWAYS show sex before females.

And i lst as i go, and what the fuck are you talking about...7 grams my ass, i trained last grow the EXACT same way and yeilded 16 grams, and so far this one is doing better, im 3 weeks into Flower man, what the fuck to you expect to see? fucking thick ass colas or something?

Go fuck yourself


Well-Known Member
hahahaha, your a fucking idiot

Goodbye RIU, im tired of all the mis information and bullshit this forum is full of

yes my grow could have been better, but if you knew what the fuck you were talking about you would know IF this had any ruderalis in it it would have shown LOOOOOONG before it did, i mean for fucks sake if it was never topped it would have been almost 2 1/2 feet tall before sex showed xD...most Rudies FINISH around that height.

Oh yea, you would also have known the major stretch before flowering ended about a week ago

Go bullshit on someone else's thread...good night

oh yea, i huess you also didnt know my outdoor showed sex fast because they were MALE, which, in my experience, almost ALWAYS show sex before females.

And i lst as i go, and what the fuck are you talking about...7 grams my ass, i trained last grow the EXACT same way and yeilded 16 grams, and so far this one is doing better, im 3 weeks into Flower man, what the fuck to you expect to see? fucking thick ass colas or something?

Go fuck yourself
Ruderalis does not show when they reach height. it is about when they reach age. Your plants were barely thirty days old and outdoors, that sound ruderalis to me. Also indoors, her growth pattern snd her showing sex were very ruderalis like. belive me, i go 12/12 from seed a lot. and i hate auto. truth is, if you got it from a bagseed. You dont know what the fuck it is, so don't tell me its not. Its from street weed, which was probably from mexico, they grow big autos down there so they can get multiple harvest now, that could be your bean? And 16grams still blows, for three months worth of growing. Get your head outta yer ass and accept advice, obviously you dont know much, and think you know it all.
dont listen to em man, just keep doin your thing! everything looks great! its definitely possible for a plant to grow from seed that fast, anything is possible lol. but you should definitely keep this thread growing because i definitely wanna see how this girl turns out! and this guy sayin that bud is from mexico? HA they wish they could grow something that good.


Well-Known Member
Some of the finest weed ive ever smoked was in mexico. Most of whats sent orth is shit though. This plant is definitely showing similar growth patterns to a ruderalis dominant. It doesnt mean that it is but how would any of us know for sure...grower included.

I had a seed grow huge like was in nft and under 8000 watts of light though it grew very fast and had leaves the size of my head. It was started 12/12 from seed in flower room because the seed was enormous so ive no idea if it was rudi but the smoke off it sucked.