Stupid gnats!


Active Member
I have been trying to grow organic...but i now have a slight gnat infestation. What is the best way to get rid of them? I am two weeks into my flowering cycle. Thanks!:wall:


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to grow organic...but i now have a slight gnat infestation. What is the best way to get rid of them? I am two weeks into my flowering cycle. Thanks!:wall:
I'm two weeks into flower also. Just found a couple of the little buggers last night. I've sprayed with Neem Oil twice prior to now. I guess I need to try something else out.... I hope you get a quick answer!


Active Member
use a natural pyrethrum spray , its an extract from a daisy i think. some people dilute it with water if u scared of hurting ur plants


Active Member
I had gnats and got rid of them VERY easily with NO chemicals.

Get sticky flystrips and hang them in your grow area. Aim a fan at the base of your stalks to keep the air moving across the top of the soil. Twice a day use your fingers to churn up the soil, causing the gnats to take flight and bringing the eggs to the surface where they will dry out. They will not settle back down on the soil while the fan is blowing there and they will be attracted to the flystrips.

I got rid of ALL of the gnats forever after doing this for three days.


Active Member
Thanks guys! That is such a great idea brad! I really dont want to use chemicals. I was trying sugar water but it wasn't cutting it. I hope this has also helped you Abmjm!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! That is such a great idea brad! I really dont want to use chemicals. I was trying sugar water but it wasn't cutting it. I hope this has also helped you Abmjm!
Thanks for letting me hijack your thread Diva! I got the traps and a couple of cedar pucks this afternoon. I hung the glue strip under the light and had 5 of the little buggers stuck on there before I closed up the tent. Guess it was worse than I thought. I'm doing a res change tomorrow, so I'll take a picture of the strip for a 24 hour body count.

+Rep to Diva for allowing the hijack, and +Rep to brad for the idea.


Well-Known Member
use a natural pyrethrum spray , its an extract from a daisy i think. some people dilute it with water if u scared of hurting ur plants
Chrysanthemum, but yes, pyrethrin, or permethrin is the way to go. Al lot of bug bombs are fine to use just check the label.


stays relevant.
No need for any special sprays... Your plants are flowering, stick to the sticky pads, or worse case scenario get you some ladybugs... Ladybugs love wings :)


stays relevant.
I keep my sticky traps resting sticky side up on top of the medium... If they land in the pot, they get stuck and every couple of days I go, and put the sticky traps together, and peel them apart to keep the stickyness flowing with gnat juice...


Well-Known Member
I keep my sticky traps resting sticky side up on top of the medium... If they land in the pot, they get stuck and every couple of days I go, and put the sticky traps together, and peel them apart to keep the stickyness flowing with gnat juice...
Thanks for the input GrowTech. I had one trap hanging, and two on the floor of the tent. I've moved them on top of the tray, and I'll hope for the best. I'm still going to pick up the pyrethrum bomb just in case.

+Rep for helping a noob. Maybe you can check out my grow journal to see if you can find any other tweaks...


Active Member
Hi A,

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you...I live and the boonies and don't always have internet ; )

The glue traps did not work...I also tried putting them face up on my soil and the problem only seemed to get worse (not because of the traps of course). I put about a one inch layer of sand on top of my soil and that seemed to work really well. I have one or two still flying around but not nearly as many as before. This smothered the bugs in the soil as well as their eggs. ; )