Stunted Growth, Twisting Leaves, Discoloration


Well-Known Member
So basically I germinated two bagseed seeds (is that redundant?) with the wet paper towel method and planted them in red cups with miracle grow organic (Yes, I should have done more reading first). A few days later they had sprouted and were about 2-3" tall. They seemed happy (nice coloration and textbook structure).
I transplanted them into larger pots (pictured below) a few days later to give the roots some room. Now about 1 1/2 weeks later they are the same height and miserable looking. I figured they were stretching at first due to the angle of the leaves and moved the light (150watt, 8600 lumen, 6500 k cfl grow bulb with reflector) to within an inch of the plant about a week ago.
The temp stays around 75 degrees and 50-60% humidity. I have a fan exhausting stale air from the closet and an oscillating fan on low inside the closet. I water them reasonably every other day with water that has sat out for 2 days minimum.

--thanks in advance to all you wonderful smart folks!!



New Member
I blame the soil. I never use soil with added nutes in it. Always use plain soil that way you know everything your plant gets. Also sometimes repotting can slow the growth for a short period of time.

Other than that, no nute until they are at least a month old.

Good luck :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
besides a little strectchy, nothing I can see. yo man, ditch that mg soil-have you not read the nightmares? and probably in shock from too early transplant.


Well-Known Member
always let the medium dry out before rewaterinf hard to tell but it could be not enough air to the roots . Also do u have perlite or somethig mixed in with the soil to make it more lose and airated so the roots can breathe?


Well-Known Member
You're lookin' at nute burn. The soil has too much nutrients in it for seedlings. Now all you can do is get some new soil with much less nutes in it and transplant it. I recently had this same problem and transplanted to new soil. The transplant made the stress even worse and they took too long to get over it and start growing again... so I just scrapped them and started over. You might wanna consider doing the same or you may be waiting for WEEKS to see them start growing again (after you put them in new soil).


Well-Known Member
You're lookin' at nute burn. The soil has too much nutrients in it for seedlings. Now all you can do is get some new soil with much less nutes in it and transplant it. I recently had this same problem and transplanted to new soil. The transplant made the stress even worse and they took too long to get over it and start growing again... so I just scrapped them and started over. You might wanna consider doing the same or you may be waiting for WEEKS to see them start growing again (after you put them in new soil).
Thats what i figured based on other threads. I am thinking of buying some FoxFarms from a local hydro store. If I do, what should the mix of perlite to soil be?


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem I too used Miracle Grow "Organic Choice" and transplanted my seedling and the only change ive notice is the stem is thicker. Im getting better soil soon :)