Strange white crawlers


Active Member
I cant get a pic of these little buggars, they are white all over with tiny antennaes they dive down when soil is disturbed and dont seem to have harmed my plant at the minute.
does anyone have an idea of what they are and will they cause any damage, there isnt many of them yet and i dont know how to rid them of my soil. they dont appear after watering.


Well-Known Member
If they are tiny and jump around like fleas when you poke at them they are springtails and beneficial. They are very common and you normally see them crawling all over right after you water. You need to make sure if it is those or root aphids though.

I just saw where you said they don't appear after watering, so it is very probably root aphids.. Yuk..!


Active Member
i poked through my soil again and found 2 they died easily and look a bit like ants, they arent like the pics of aphids in the link provided upstairs, the only thing ive come close to matching them up to are springtails, after killing 2 i aint found anymore. i hope they are springtails. thanks


Active Member
I must have caught them real early, i killed 4 that i could find and must have been very lucky as i cant find any at all now. just shows if u r bang on top you can stay on top.