store bought soils


Active Member
is there any good soils thats are not going to be so hot that they burn my plants but have enough food to feed a plant for about 4 months so i dont have to be dumping food to them?


Active Member
It will say on the bag how long it feeds for. Miracle crap has different versions with different amounts of time release fertilizer. I wouldn't recommend it though. You'll find many people on here don't have a high opinion of MG. Are you growing outdoors? Because unless your going to veg. for that long, marijuana requires different nutrient levels between veg. and flower.


Well-Known Member
if you want your soil to last 4 months you will likely need to top dress with some fertilizer every now and then. I wouldnt recomend MG for cannabis especialyl as a new grower as the water released nutrients have been known to cause many problems for people. yes it is a good soil for some, but as a beginer its not the ideal choice. Most people around here like Fox Farm soil. I cant get it in canada so i use SeaSoil which is also really great in my opinion.
If you want a soil that will last the whole grow google the supersoil recipe and make it. If your worried about nuteburn you can always start your plants in a peat plug or pot before transplanting them into your nutrient rich soil

South Texas

Well-Known Member
nothing will last four months without feeding them[
Mother Nature makes a wonderful soil that will last for one year,or longer. Healthy, Living soil,filled with microbial life, fungi & bacteria is what the Babbies & Ladies need & crave. Microbes die in peat & coco, there is no food for them. Using a proper organic program, the soil requires 50% less water. I start with vortex, fox farm, etc; then build from there. 3/4 rabbit manure to 1/4th vortex. Per plant, add one, handfull each of epson salt, whole ground cornmeal, zealite, & red wiggler worms. add to that, rose glo, thrive, liquid seaweed, 4 tbs per gal of molasses, alo vera & organic apple cider. for info,see, the library. read about zealite, thrive, etc. Use 4" of good organic mulch. You will not have PH,drought,stress,fert burns, diease or under feeding when using this mix. Also, use fish emoltion. I hope this helped. Rinse the urine out of the manure prior to using.


Well-Known Member
No soil would really be too nutrient rich for 4 months, and I would avoid soils that are really strong on nutes, your young babies might not react too well to this.

Imo you'll do fine with gardening store indoor plant soils, just read the packaging and see if it suits your needs, or even make a mixture of soils as I did.


Well-Known Member
something all organic. MG organic isn't the worst in the world, but it has poor drainage and IMO it contains a slew of diseases if not stored properly (it never is)

If you can get Roots Organic, Fox Farm, Sunshine Mix 4. Go with organic, and look for a full list of ingredients on the label. good things will include some sort of peat, greensand, perlite, lava rock, humus, feather meal, sea kelp, dolomite lime, gypsum, WORM CASTINGS, ...the list goes on ...hopefully you get the idea.

Alot of people complain about soil being too hot, unfortunately we don't get to watch them process their soil. But most good organic companies fortify their soil with slow release compounds ...therefore burning your plant should not be an issue with it..... and don't forget to add the extra mycorhizzae. It does wonders for the root growht and nutrient uptake