Stop the American Government from Censoring the Internet


Active Member
I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit:

As ███████ of ████ █████ we ████ on the ████ ██████ of ████ ██████ to ███████ us. ████ ███████████ ████ the █████ we ███████ as █████████████ to say the █████. Now the ████████ ██████████ ██████ to ███████ █████ our ██████ by ██████ to ██████ the ████████. The ████ ██████ ██████ Act ████ ████ the ████████ ██████████ the █████ to ██████ ████████ ███████ ████ due ███████ or ████████ for ███████ “███████” ████████. ██████ ████████ █████ be ████████ for the ███████ of one ██████. On ████████ ████ ████ be █████ on and it is up to ████ and ████████ of us to ████ our █████████████ ██████████████ and █████ our ██████, █████ we are █████ ███████ to ████ ████.


Well-Known Member
ok Am sorry But the Us is getting to me now, first other countries economic rights, then phones now the internet :( , in a few years al have to call up Washington to take a shit . cool it guys i know the corparations are on ya ass but damn....


Well-Known Member
Why hope when you can fight back. Call your representative and get as many people as you can to do the same.
Because I don't vote and don't care. I hate the government and they are all worthless. Like I said, anything they do we will just bypass. I don't need the government for shit and will continue to live a happy life.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
At this rate by the end of next year us people will be over throwing the government and more.

The government is for the big companies and Big pharma.


Well-Known Member
Considering both Wal-Mart and Microsoft give huge amounts of money to charity (that doesn't even include what Bill Gates gives personally) all over the world, I love them both. I also have quite a bit of stock in both companies.


Well-Known Member
ya got to luv gates , he showed up in kenya to some womans house to give her funds for agricultural projects, she din't even know who he was . i was like WTF WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they all thought i was crazy lol. but bill is not microsoft. and those charities save him twice as much in taxes. and thats why they have the gov by the balls , any money that the US gov does not manufacture from nothing using bonds, comes from large company taxes, so when wallmart says do this, Obama be like ok massa


Active Member
Considering both Wal-Mart and Microsoft give huge amounts of money to charity (that doesn't even include what Bill Gates gives personally) all over the world, I love them both. I also have quite a bit of stock in both companies.
If you don't mind me asking what's your thinking with holding Microsoft. They have been floating at $25 for at least a year and I just don't see where the growth is going to come from. Cellphones (Ipad is just a big cellphone for the sake of discussion) are the future* and Microsoft has never been successful in porting Windows to phones. Despite heavy marketing Bing hasn't exactly captivated a large share of web searches. Who actually remembers that MSN/hotmail are still around**? Mac has been aggressively grabbing market share. Sure Microsoft has been trying to play fast and loose with the secure boot requirements but I don't see manufacturers of server hardware putting out products that don't support linux since most servers use linux. They won't cut off the majority of their market just to get the hardware Windows 8 certified.

It's not like owning stock helps the company, unless you get the stock during the IPO or when the company issues more stock they don't get any of the cash.

*This is coming from a command line jockey who almost never carries a cellphone. It is not just wishful thinking.
**I had to google it just to make sure


Well-Known Member
unless there is a new windows mobile , but mac always had the lock down till android , i luv who ever put linux on a phone i wanna meet them and hugg em. i LUV fusion :)


Well-Known Member
I feel that federal government is pretty bad at doing anything. I highly doubt they have the resources or control to censor the internet in the USA. I however hope this does not pass. After reading the new NDAA bill that is passing, I am starting to feel like no one cares about what the government does.