StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!


Active Member
65watt. they run cooler than the 42s but are a little less efficient. I wish I could find vented 42s.. how's your cfl grow coming?


Well-Known Member
yea im runnin 2 42's in my setup, they are about a year old tho.

fuck man i burned the ak pretty bad. flushed and repotted, i can only hope for the best. ill post some sorry pics later in my thread.


Active Member
You mean nute burn? one of my bulbs shifted down overnight and burned a whole bunch of my leaves in the scrog. good luck with the ak, did you see what I did to my WW? DWC can be touchy sometimes without any water testing equipment...


Well-Known Member
yea nute burn.

no what did u do to the WW? at least with DWC its easy to change the res and fix the prob. with dirt its a bitch if you fuck up.


New Member
Looks well thought out to me! Most of the people I talk to struggle with their set up. Problem is they all have different grow rooms, abilitiies, supply store conveneience let alone different strains.

I have a bunch of 42's w/o vents that I bought before I even knew about the 42's not having vents. I ususally run 65's,85's and 105's that I used in past grows. Seems I have adequate venting because with all the lights I'm ever going to use including my 250 and 400 HPS blazing I can still stay under 80.


Active Member
yea nute burn.

no what did u do to the WW? at least with DWC its easy to change the res and fix the prob. with dirt its a bitch if you fuck up.
I'll give you that. I've had many a root problems that were fixed in hrs with good timing, good advice from some of you guyz on RIU, and luck I guess. In the WW tank I had some bacterial slime built up from some crud that didn't get cleaned properly.... =( It killed my BW, and almost my WW..

Looks well thought out to me! Most of the people I talk to struggle with their set up. Problem is they all have different grow rooms, abilitiies, supply store conveneience let alone different strains.

I have a bunch of 42's w/o vents that I bought before I even knew about the 42's not having vents. I ususally run 65's,85's and 105's that I used in past grows. Seems I have adequate venting because with all the lights I'm ever going to use including my 250 and 400 HPS blazing I can still stay under 80.
Thanx Chief! I struggled a lot. I tried doing wayy too many things at once when I first started. Now I'm trying to understand things before I attempt them. The ScrOG has me giddy with joy tho. I couldn't be happier. (unless I had Dystopia's) As far as the heat, this is the south, and wherever you live... you are blessed. My winter temps are just now starting to hit the low 80s high 70s, FS knows what I mean, what's with this "cool front" huh? My girl hinted she might get me a 400w HPS w/ cooltube. I kinda wanna build my own tho. I digress... thanx for stopping by.:eyesmoke:
You need a journal already!! kiss-ass


New Member
A journal without pictures is kind of pointless. No pictures yet. Wife has fears that I chose to respect.

It ain't all bad to get a factory version before you build your own!

Frost tonight here. I'm starting to consider taking summers off of growing. I can grow all I need in the winter months. But knowing me, I like a challenge too much to let myself get by with that.

I thought early on about a scrog and even bought some chicken wire but I can supercrop well enough to simulate a scrog without the harvest hassles.

But still Dystopia's grow if off the hook! I'd have to do some serious arithmatic to figure out how to grow it that way with my set-up but at some time I'm going to try.

I'm trying to learn the absolute best ways to grow. My retirement will include medical grows as soon as my state lets me and this is just practice!


Active Member
lol. I feel the same way... like i'm preparing for the day when I can live in the open with my hobby. (kinda corny) I lst'd at first, and it works great! it's probably what I will continue doing. However, the bagseed that's flowering in there right now appears sativa dominant, and on top of that it stretched due to poor lighting early on. So I Decided Scrog was the best way to manage this problem with my limited experience. I haven't had much of a problem with it yet, but the grow is young...


New Member
That makes sense! Sativa is tough with limited space. I like the sativa buzz but like the indica growing pattern so I try to steer toward crosses.


Active Member
I've never had pure indica until this G13 white widow, so i'm excited to see the difference. I hope it's much faster cuz these other girls are sloooooooww heffers!!


New Member
I actually like that! I don't listen to the new stuff much. They lost me in the 90's but this I like! I may have to get that song for my ipod! Ya Who Says! Quiet revolution or a peaceful takeover! Real Heads can't do it any other way!


Active Member
Amen brotha! I played that song for like 3 hrs on my guitar after rippin a bong..... I completely lost track of time.... lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea he's pretty good.. not my favorite artist or anything though ;)
next time you could embed the youtube vid in your page by just adding the following

[*youtube] the last part of the youtube link in this case: FZwVjys2bQI should be placed here [*/youtube]

take out the *'s


Active Member
that was painful.... lol. I smoked too much. Thanx BR I was wondering how to do that, and even after your explanation it took me like 10 min. =)


Active Member
stgeneziz looking really excellant bro keep it up ima smoke 1 for ur gurls 2night lol, my 4 gurls r a month away from blast off yes, i wish i had a camera, but i will nex gro so b checkin for me lol, peace