StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!


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Thanx for stoppin by everyone. I'll be posting a full update this weekend, I'm back to work now and it's busy busy


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I think I have my first prob, I found some slime in the WW/BW tank!! AHH!!! After careful investigation and analysis, I've come to the conclusion that it's my irrigation equipment!! Now I'm not pointing any fingers... *cough* MY GF *cough*...... but my hub was not as clean on the inside as I originally thought!!! I know, OMG. But, all is well
(i think) I've removed all of the irrigation equipment, and will be hitting the DEPOT later today for all new stuff. Also, I found a really cheap R/O system so i'm prolly gonna order that. I am sooo tired of hauling water around......


Active Member
Hey, Sweet set up! Very nice! Should grow some nice bud for you! I'll look forward to seeing em'... Happy Gardening GrowIT! subscribed
Ok guys so I decided to consolidate threads and will only be updating here from now on. That being said Here is a full update on my Grow Tent (flowering only):

At the moment I have 4 mature plants in here, all bagseed. All confirmed females except for 1, she's 1 week into flowering and hasn't shown yet, but it seems like the girls always take their time...:eyesmoke: The first picture is of all the plants together for reference. The first one to the left we've named EMBRY, and have a rooted clone from her. She is 2 weeks into flowering and is in a DWC 3gal bucket. I did a final pruning of the undergrowth on her today (a lollipop attempt) we'll see how it turns out. The second one from the left, my GF named Valkarie and is about.... 6 weeks into flowering. She is in an ebb and flo bucket and is very dark green( too much N) but is budding quite nicely. She's kinda small because she only vegged for 15 days and then flowered. (i'm kinda sketchy on the timelines but this is about right) The one in the front right is My very first Female plant... I named it T-VIRUS......she has taken a lot of abuse and was originally planted in MG soil. She's about to be done, regardless of my attempts on her life. I don't expect to get much, but I want the experience of curing my own buds so this will be a good chance to practice. Lastly, the one in the back right is named Poof Juice and is 1 week into flower.(still hasn't show sex) She's been LSTd in the same fashion as embry, and will be lollipoped as well.

Well sorry for the long post, just thought I'd bring you guyz up to date on the Flowering side of things.. Here are the pixxx enjoy. =)
LOL, nice !!! Some of those buds look like cactus.


Active Member
yeah bro that plant is super fuzzy!! It's also getting very fat, and she still has 3-4 weeks to go!! I can't wait to see the finished product!

I think I dodged the bullet. The WW was looking waaay droopy but is now starting to open up! Hopefully I didn't stun her too much. You think your starting to get the hang of this and then some random problem kicks you in the nuts! (it's good for humility) The BW is a lost cause, i'm sorry to say. I had a bad feeling when the seeds were very light in color compared to all the other strains I got. (looked old) I'm going to set up 5gal BP buckets going forward for my good strains used as mothers. I learned an important lesson in my other veg res. Different plants need different things. I have 2 plants that are very sensitive to nutes, and one that is asking for more!!! I'm not experienced enough to juggle so many plants at different stages of growth in the same res. I'll be putting my moms in the buckets,(when I get paid), and using the 2 tubs to flower clones. I want 2 dwc tubs, at 4 weeks apart in flowering stage. I think I might do the SoG, maybe ScroG if I let the clones veg.(and if my current ScroG works out). I think this will make it easier to manage MY moms without too much hassle. and since the clones will all be uniform in each tub, I wont have to fuss with the lights as much.

sorry for the rant guyz.. just clearing my mind and working through my ideas...
tommorow it's all pix!!! =)


Active Member
Ok so I went in there and waddaya know!!! my little poof juice is a girl!! you know what that means. In the screen she went with her sister embry!!! it feels like the pot gods are paying me back for my all male disaster when I started out!!! N e ways I rearranged a lil bit to accommodate, and here we are....



Active Member
Man, this is an excellent ScrOG, nice level canopy getting the most out of your lights, exactly what you want:

DR's are so nice. I have the DR80. I'm going to get the DR40 and use it to hold a mother.

scrog, huh? I want to do the same thing soon as I can get my grow right. I went and got 4 24" bungee cords and some garden trellis. The squares are pretty large. 6x6 actually, lol. That is pretty big from what I read on how to do it. Iono, all your doing is just tucking the stems under the net until it fills it out right?

Very cool, I like your set up.


Active Member
DR's are so nice. I have the DR80. I'm going to get the DR40 and use it to hold a mother.

scrog, huh? I want to do the same thing soon as I can get my grow right. I went and got 4 24" bungee cords and some garden trellis. The squares are pretty large. 6x6 actually, lol. That is pretty big from what I read on how to do it. Iono, all your doing is just tucking the stems under the net until it fills it out right?

Very cool, I like your set up.
Thanx, they way i've trained my girls in the ScrOG was a bit late, IMO. I only used it for the initial flowering stretch, It turned out very well tho. Also, I tie my girls to their squares, and the squares are only 2.5 maybe 3 inches. Big enough for a fat cola, but not too big so I can get a thick canopy and make use of my lights. I used LST during veg to have them all ready for the ScrOG in flowering, otherwise I don't think it would have worked as well. From the looks of my results so far, I think this method will be very beneficial and I would recommend it, but there are drawbacks also, like the drain and replenish situation. I haven't had any water problems in the buckets yet, so I'm gonna use a small water change method and hope for the best... hope this info helps you plan yours out!!
Thanx, they way i've trained my girls in the ScrOG was a bit late, IMO. I only used it for the initial flowering stretch, It turned out very well tho. Also, I tie my girls to their squares, and the squares are only 2.5 maybe 3 inches. Big enough for a fat cola, but not too big so I can get a thick canopy and make use of my lights. I used LST during veg to have them all ready for the ScrOG in flowering, otherwise I don't think it would have worked as well. From the looks of my results so far, I think this method will be very beneficial and I would recommend it, but there are drawbacks also, like the drain and replenish situation. I haven't had any water problems in the buckets yet, so I'm gonna use a small water change method and hope for the best... hope this info helps you plan yours out!!
Good info. This is how I take care of res changes DSC_0116_2.jpg

Sorry off topic and not related to your grow but do you know anything about purple stems on clones ? I want to believe it is just the plant growing. I remember when they were coming up from seeds the stems were purple when they were young and growing.


Active Member
to be honest, I don't know the answer. What I do know is that i've had purple stems on my seedling before with no problems. Never noticed it on my clones tho. I'd concern myself with the overall look of the plant before I freaked out about the stem color bro. The leaves always seem to let me know if there's a prob. pretty quick! How do the clones look? how long ago did you cut them? did you use clonex? have you checked for roots? do you have them in a dome? if it's alive and not wilted or bent over it's prolly o.k.
to be honest, I don't know the answer. What I do know is that i've had purple stems on my seedling before with no problems. Never noticed it on my clones tho. I'd concern myself with the overall look of the plant before I freaked out about the stem color bro. The leaves always seem to let me know if there's a prob. pretty quick! How do the clones look? how long ago did you cut them? did you use clonex? have you checked for roots? do you have them in a dome? if it's alive and not wilted or bent over it's prolly o.k.

The darnedest thing I've noticed are the stems are getting thicker at the base.

They are 5 days old.

Used clonex.

Haven't checked for roots. Just don't want to pull them out of the cups and hydroton. I did check the bottom of the cups and nothing is dangling down yet.

Are domed with 80%+/-

Are wilted DSC_0117_2.jpg


Active Member
Here comes a picture parade!!!

up first, the WW. she almost didn't make it after that little bacterial problem..'

here's a wide shot of the flowering tent, I moved Poof Juice into the screen and look at the difference between those 2!! Embry really filled in the screen, lets hope her sister does the same...

some different angles of the scrog..

a couple side shots. (look at the riggin!!)

lil on the veg side...

and that's it.. hope you enjoyed, i'm having a blast. =)



Active Member
The darnedest thing I've noticed are the stems are getting thicker at the base.
View attachment 586826View attachment 586827View attachment 586825

They are 5 days old.

Used clonex.

Haven't checked for roots. Just don't want to pull them out of the cups and hydroton. I did check the bottom of the cups and nothing is dangling down yet.

Are domed with 80%+/-

Are wilted View attachment 586828

hmm.. they look a little sad but hanging in there. I usually have to wait til 7-10 days before they root and start to pick back up. In your case if the stems are thickening up that can't be a bad thing.. it might mean the plant is building its root structure.(cuttings will start to callous around the stem to build a base, I don't know the scientific term for this process but i've seen it) I can usually peek down the R/W cube hole and see if there are roots forming.. hope this helps.