Starting up a Garden...


Hello everyone,

As the title states i'm starting a new garden in a closet I regret I can post any pics yet but I have covered all the walls with cardboard and aluminum foil as to better reflect light and trap heat. I put a standard lamp and 60 watt bulb in there where I placed a few seeds to germinate. Now I'm smart enough to know they obviously won't grow in there but I have had a few sprout up out of the soil so far and grow about 1 inch within a week and a half. I will have my light possibly sometime next week and was wondering if my sprouts are in any danger since there not getting the amount of light they sufficiently need to grow. I had one sprout just fall over sideways and die although I am new to growing so i'm not sure if it was for a lack of water or something else.

Thanks in advance.:joint:


Well-Known Member
depends on what type of light are u using , halogen ? just keep them as close as u can without burning them and get your light soon! there probly going to stretch.look around your house for fluroscents around the 6500k mark.


No its actually a standard 40watt bulb I just put my germinating seeds in there and poof up they went down to one now though which was actually an experiment. I put it in my grow room with the weak light because I figured it was better than having it sit on a windowsill that gets no direct sunlight.

and LMAO @ my fake chess piece lamp I have in there