Start Flowering Early?

ive heard ppl say that if u put a black trash bag cutting over some leaves or something for 12 hours of and darkness, u can figure out if its a male or female becuz hairs or balls show up. Does this mean u can make the plant start flowering early if u change the hours of light and darkness to 12?


Well-Known Member
it takes about a week to determine sex. what i do when sorting seeds is, veg all plants. cut clones from all, and label accordingly. flower out vegged plants and determine sex. throw away males according to which plant they were cloned from.


New Member
its not that hard to pick out the males. I picked mine out with no experience. Males tend to grow quicker and the leafs tend to stay closer to the stem
i understand how to figure out its gender, i just wanted to kno if u can make ur plant flower earlier than it should. For example if a plants only been growing for like a month, could i make it start flowering or do i just have to wait the 3 months?


Well-Known Member
Let it sprout for a week.
Veg for as long as you want (recommended 4-5 weeks)
Flower until done, depends on the plant for this amount, but usually 8-10 weeks
yes you could. The downside being less nodes to grow buds though. Some people say to keep it in complete darkness for 48 hours to jump start flowering but really you just need to make sure that it doesn't get more than 12 hours of light.


Well-Known Member
smokeallday you should do some research. bro. sounds like you dont understand fundamental growing practice


Active Member
You can make any size plant go into flowering just by changing the light schedule to 12/12.
Then you will wait anywhere from 5-15 days to see the sex.


Well-Known Member
or you could just RTFM. "i mean it doesn't take rocket appliances to know that" ( ricky from Trailer Park Boys )