sprout help


Active Member
OK. Im trying to grow for the first time and my sprouts keep dying. Im keeping them under 2 20w GE Grow "natural light" flouros on an 18/6 light cycle. when the first set of leaves start curling under the plant begins to wilt. if this plant doesnt work im gonna try in a "jiffy pot" ( you know those small natural flower pots that when you transplant you can just drop it into the larger pot.) Since im trying this for the first time Im just growing 1 plant. Also keep in mind im on a budget.

Heres my setup.
and another pic.
on more.

the plant
another of the plant.


Well-Known Member
OK. Im trying to grow for the first time and my sprouts keep dying. Im keeping them under 2 20w GE Grow "natural light" flouros on an 18/6 light cycle. when the first set of leaves start curling under the plant begins to wilt. if this plant doesnt work im gonna try in a "jiffy pot" ( you know those small natural flower pots that when you transplant you can just drop it into the larger pot.) Since im trying this for the first time Im just growing 1 plant. Also keep in mind im on a budget.

Heres my setup.
and another pic.
on more.

the plant
another of the plant.
Today I vowed to be less of an asshole than the day before. I think I figured out your problem and its not uncommon. When posting links or pictures on these forums http:// is already provide. Here you go;

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Active Member
yeah i noticed that just now. but thanks for the help on that aspect.
but i forgot to mention im using miracle grow organic potting mix. i think the npk is 10-5-5 but im not too sure im having trouble finding it on the bag.


Well-Known Member
that sux man well see if i can help... filll the pot w dirt leaving like a half in.. r u germinating them first?? leave the light for 24 hours and humid. the humidity will help. try using rock wool cubes for the seeds it seems to work a little faster...


Well-Known Member
oh yea soak the cubes at ph 5.0-5..5 for a few hours before u put ur germinated seed in. let me know i had a huge problem when i first started w seed now its easy.....