SpiderMites, flowering - help! How can I treat them?


Well-Known Member
The safest bet is to unleash ladybugs. And placing tanglefoot on the main stem towards the bottom.
Hey Calicat - yeah, I can't get ladybugs without a 60 mile drive or shipping them in. Might do the drive this weekend. I also don't know if they will live here right now as we are in the peak of an insuffrable summer and it's around or over 100 degrees daily. There is a natural garden center that I'm going to call today that might have them and I'll know for sure if they could survive.

But I hadn't seen Tanglefoot - that's EXCACTLY what I need for prevention. Now I'm on a new quest. Thank you for that tip! :) +rep for you!


Well-Known Member
Well I used the mix recipe and we sprayed them all up and down last night once it cooled off. They look no worse for the wear today except for some crispyness on some of the tiny leaves and the pistils. I think they will be just fine...will update in a few days after I see if those bastards are held off....for now.

And FloJo - I'll check out your page and rep you too if you're the OP for the special sauce. :)

Thanks all!

Hopefully my "SECRET INGREDIENT" worked, lol.
np by the way


Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
They don't like dry and hot conditions.
umm they actually do like hot. if you keep your temp around 70 you'll have less of a hassle with them. also, dont be a bitch. go get some ed rosenthal's Zero Tolerance. Its ready to go right out of the bottle. put it in a sprayer and let it rain.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i just got some pest off, its spozed to be the shit. ive treated everything with a good spray and theres like no visable flys flying its great