Spider mites


Well-Known Member
found out the hard way that you should check your plants every few days for mites cos low and behold theyve moved in the little barstards, eating my little girls and sucking the life out of their leaves. im currently using pest off by hydro garden every 2 days spraying the leaves and im wondering has anyone used this stuff before cos im into week 5 of flowering Chiesel and they have already taken a beating from these pests and i want them gone:cuss:also just checked my veg room where i had a couple of seedlings and the fuckers are on ther aswell now and these are only 2 weeks old
i need to know if the neon lights from a tanning bed would still work for lighting
beccause someone broke in my house the other night stole 4 plants and took a bat to my lights.


i couldnt tell you but i feel your pain on that one man... the last two times i grew they were stolen from me...


Well-Known Member
ive had to take one girl out the tent cos it was fucking riddled with them and a seedling is the latest casulty. im checking but i havent seen any webs yet thank god but in years of growing ive never had them now im at war with a sneaky breed of bud terrorists who seem to be impervious to pretty much every thing except harsh chemicals. but they wont win


Well-Known Member
There is an organic spray called organacide. It is like 93% fish oil. I used it when the mites got realy bad. It makes your plants smell like fish but it works wonders with those little bastards. You just have to use it like every three days for a couple of weeks.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I just had a go round with the little bastards! Use Zero Tolerance @ 2 tbls per quart of water every 2 days till gone. Its too strong to use full strenght but works great. ! It kills the eggs too. Make sure you use a wetting agent to make it stick to the leaves. Then spray once a week for maint in the warm months. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys for all the info and advice, im gonna give this PEST OFF untill end of week and then its nuke time if it hasnt cured it. Ilike the sound of that zero tolerence is it ok to use this far into flowering (5 week)


There is an organic spray called organacide. It is like 93% fish oil. I used it when the mites got realy bad. It makes your plants smell like fish but it works wonders with those little bastards. You just have to use it like every three days for a couple of weeks.

Have you ever oversprayed with organacide. Just after a spray (in which , I certainly sprayed a few plants more than once, not really paying attention) I had a couple take a bad turn. They look like death.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
A guy that i know told me to use gin vodka what ever alcohol you want just add a little water and blast away it realy works too i had afew but there in re~hab now.No this realy works.