

Well-Known Member
I was just about to post this to lol.
I wouldn't say fuck all muslims though.They aren't all crazy radicals


Well-Known Member
damn thats fucked up....

everybody knows that south park makes fun of everyone ,

not just the muslims...

their just looking for any reason to lash out against americans...

shit i.d.k im still fucked up , thats just my 2 pennies.......:peace:


Active Member
only a tiny percentage of muslims are radicals, the same as only a small percentage of christians are retarded KKK members and pedo priests; ignorance and ethnocentricity will only serve to reproduce the same stupid hatred a small amount of muslims have shown us.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
How stupid is that? They didn't even show a picture of muhammad that's why he was in the bear suit WTF and now they are threatening violence for not showing muhammed? Umm guess what no ones ever going to see an image of muhammed because there is no such thing. I guess saddam hussein being a homo bangin satan is okay but not this. it's a cartoon u imbecils, there's even a muslim version of the show i think...dress up jesus in a pedobear costume and than I guess we'll be even, though I doubt they could make fun of any other religion as hard as SP anyways.


The group doing the threatening don't speak on behalf of all Muslims. They no more represent the Muslim faith than the Westboro Baptist Church represents the Christian faith (the Westboro Baptist Church are the idiots that protest funerals of gay people and soldiers with a bunch of really mean political messages like "God hates fags", etc.).


Well-Known Member
oh man not in here PLEASE, take that violent shit to craigslist, I'm here to escape all the political, humans hating each other over make belief garbage.

Some here do not believe in religion, gods, tooth fairy's.

Like me.


Active Member
WTF ive had enoth of these dumb desert rats and and there b.s its these situations where legal guns are good so they can kill every muslim that trys it.

and btw its not a minority its more like 90% are hardcore its there culture they are trained to be retards from birth they dont have free will or brains they can use its just there culture sent them all back to the middle east to kill eatch other.

the one who wrote that death "warning" should hang.


Well-Known Member
WTF ive had enoth of these dumb desert rats and and there b.s its these situations where legal guns are good so they can kill every muslim that trys it.

and btw its not a minority its more like 90% are hardcore its there culture they are trained to be retards from birth they dont have free will or brains they can use its just there culture sent them all back to the middle east to kill eatch other.

the one who wrote that death "warning" should hang.
if thats relly what you think ur no more open minded than the people you people you seem to hate so much .your no more different than them and what modern American sill want people to hang for something what are you a hillbilly of something?