sorry so long please help before may 11th


Active Member
thanks bud but hey i got raided well first ima let everyone know that i live in a 5 adault and 4 child home and bout 10 animals 1 that is mine we moved to this area to get ahead you know i started growing again up here in this town (note i WILL NOT give any info beside that i live in the u s and in a ag state called wyoming home of the cheyenne frontier days but moved north of that still in wyoming) any way i guess dci came in with a search warrent for child porn and garenteed that i dont do that shit caz if i did i lose my wife and kids and i will kill for my son and daughter but tha acusations werent against me they say some one from a computer accessed a child porn site well thats not my prob but any way they busted down my bedroom door seen my bong oon the dresser and seen a little hydro system in the closet they sent some cop for a search warrent for probable cause you know that shit and then they took my (items still in the box it was shipped from ,opened but never used, to make sure all parts were there of course anyone does that right) hps complete set ballest and all my rock wool cubes still in shrink wrap and in box my nutes opened never used bottles still factory seal around cap ( of course i dont care that they took my pipes and bob (Big Ol' Bong) and over six ounces of weed it was leafy anyway but glad i didnt go to jail for any of it over 3 oz is felony in wyo but they gave me a ticket for possesion witch is correct duh but then they gave me another for cultivation of marijuana (but im goin to say cannabis in court just to mess wit them) thing is there are no plants that were seized at all besides the plants in the hydro sys gettho rigged kind more of a bubbler sys anyway but i had pepper plants growing but dci insisted that everything that was there was for marijuana since they for a 3 ring binder and the contents of that was a growing guide they also siezed a pipe with no resin on it at all is that legal or not at all please help me out before court may 11th thanks all you fellow kine growers and law knowers dci is bitches


Well-Known Member
wtf are doing growing in a home that houses your children?! thats your first mistake! second if you are growing wut the hell are you doing leaving pipes and bongs out all over the place? not smart my friend! good luck with your court case and maybe next time you will choose a bit more of a secluded place to grow you little girls in the future!


Well-Known Member
this is serious, why are you asking some random folks online?
go to norml website for your state and find a lawyer asap!


Well-Known Member
It is my opinion you live in a shit-hole and your kids SHOULD be taken away from you. That piece about child porn accessed on a computer in the home... that says a lot about you buddy, because even if it was someone else in the home accessing that kind of shit, these are people you choose to live with and expose your children to. Nine people, ten animals, your ganja gear left out for anyone and everyone - you give us a bad reputation on here. I'm not an admin and it's a good thing I'm not because I'd ban your ass in a heartbeat.

I want everyone to know that if you feel sorry for this piece of trash after what he just laid out in the open, then you just aren't all there... and he wants HELP?? Fuck that!
I'm not gonna bash you for growing around many kids, even though it's stupid. But to come on to the INTERNET on a DISCUSSION BOARD to ask UNQUALIFIED people to help you with matter that you should go to a qualified professional. I believe you could get in more trouble taking advice from a bunch of bias people. Go to a lawyer man. You already made a big mistake you don't need to further the damage.

pool dude

Active Member
Wow just wow. I hope dfs takes your kids too a better home for there sake. I also hope you recieve the stiffest sentance possible for being stupid and risking your kids to stupidity. FUCKIN LOWLIFE You are the reason pots still illegal!!!!! Get fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And enjoy the prison DICK!!!!


Well-Known Member
I really hope some pedophile war-driver burns all you ppl who jump on the judgement train.. Anybody with a wifi router could find themselves in exactly the same boat..
Yes, get a laywer.. Its the cops job to round up cases, not sort them out.. I don't know what Wy laws are like, but it definately sounds like you should beat the cultivation seeing as you were actually growing legal herbs when they found it, but a decent lawyer is key..
Good luck trying to get your gear back, not going to be easy.. Considering the date, might I suggest that you come up with a story involving Mother's Day for the purpose of your herb garden.. A jury will tend to look down on cops who stormed in and stole a gift intended for your mom..:)


Dude, If You Didnt Have Anything Growing The You Should Be Good On Those Charges, Now Bob And That Much Weed, Well There's Ya Problem.....


Well-Known Member
Some o' you guys gotta lay of him part of this website is to help and support fellow growers im ashamed of some of you.

Most of you have probably been smoking all your lives and if your father had been growing marijuana you would have thought it was pretty cool
the fact that your outraged that he was growing weed with children in the house, We see marijuana as a good thing not as a bad drug.

Personnaly i see it definately no worse than a ciggarette and we all know a lot of parents smoke and no 1 gives them grief so lay of him.

As for the child porn thats not his fault if he didn't access it. as for the grow operation you should be fine man as long they didnt find anything which may mean that you may intent to supply


Well-Known Member
thanks bud but hey i got raided well first ima let everyone know that i live in a 5 adault and 4 child home and bout 10 animals 1 that is mine we moved to this area to get ahead you know i started growing again up here in this town (note i WILL NOT give any info beside that i live in the u s and in a ag state called wyoming home of the cheyenne frontier days but moved north of that still in wyoming) any way i guess dci came in with a search warrent for child porn and garenteed that i dont do that shit caz if i did i lose my wife and kids and i will kill for my son and daughter but tha acusations werent against me they say some one from a computer accessed a child porn site well thats not my prob but any way they busted down my bedroom door seen my bong oon the dresser and seen a little hydro system in the closet they sent some cop for a search warrent for probable cause you know that shit and then they took my (items still in the box it was shipped from ,opened but never used, to make sure all parts were there of course anyone does that right) hps complete set ballest and all my rock wool cubes still in shrink wrap and in box my nutes opened never used bottles still factory seal around cap ( of course i dont care that they took my pipes and bob (Big Ol' Bong) and over six ounces of weed it was leafy anyway but glad i didnt go to jail for any of it over 3 oz is felony in wyo but they gave me a ticket for possesion witch is correct duh but then they gave me another for cultivation of marijuana (but im goin to say cannabis in court just to mess wit them) thing is there are no plants that were seized at all besides the plants in the hydro sys gettho rigged kind more of a bubbler sys anyway but i had pepper plants growing but dci insisted that everything that was there was for marijuana since they for a 3 ring binder and the contents of that was a growing guide they also siezed a pipe with no resin on it at all is that legal or not at all please help me out before court may 11th thanks all you fellow kine growers and law knowers dci is bitches
Out of all that you babbled, the highlighted ((in red)) is the ONLY thing that stuck out to me! Most innocent people being accused of child porn would be livid over it. But, you clearly state the reason you don't do it is because......My question to you is, if you took your wife and kids out of the equation would you then be doing child porn? You sound guilty to me.:twisted:


Active Member
possessing a hydro system without illegal live plants is simply possession...fight tooth and nail...just cuz u had 6 oz didnt mean u grew it...unless u told them u grew it they have no case


Well-Known Member
i hope it works out for him.
some of the people on here are so mean.
if the child porn was him then off with the nuts.
other then that. growing with kids in the house big f#$%#in deal.
its a plant and growing it doesnt make you a bad parent .


Well-Known Member
i hope it works out for him.
some of the people on here are so mean.
if the child porn was him then off with the nuts.
other then that. growing with kids in the house big f#$%#in deal.
its a plant and growing it doesnt make you a bad parent .
I grew with children in my home, I agree....You just have to be responsible about it and careful....As far as the porn goes, well, something does not ring me, atleast.


Well-Known Member
really most house plants are more dangerous than pot but i dont think its a problem that being said i grow in a shed in my backyard cus the rest of the country inculding judges for custody might not see it my way


Well-Known Member
Jesus H Christ - it's not the "growing with children" that pisses me off. You people let that child porn thing slip by, or either you don't give a fuck about it. He said the reason his house was raided is because someone from that home was accessing child porn... it wasn't the pot that had the kops coming in...

If he wasn't the person accessing the child porn from a computer in that house, so what? He is guilty by association with this in my book. If he wasn't the one who accessed child porn, he lives in a house with someone who did access the child porn and that means he lives with trash, and obviously his children are exposed to this trash. This is a marjuana forum and I condone the growing of marijuana. I do NOT condone child abuse, and when you expose your children to trash accessing child porn, you put your children in harm's way and you are guilty - fuck him. I don't feel sorry for him. He's fucking trash... not name calling, but who on here that has children would let them around this kind of trash?


Well-Known Member
If the police come to your door because your internet acct accessed child porn they'll have the MAC address of the offending computer.. If they found that computer on site then they'd have their suspect in hand and it wouldn't be dangling with the other charges..
Thing is, WEP is WEAK! And not many ppl use WPA.. With a laptop running Linux, and a network adapter with a quality chipset you can gain access to a WEP secured AP lickity split..
On the flip side of the coin, if it was a room mate of his then its more than likely the guy wasn't particularily up front about that perversion.. Most likely a classic ' He seemed so normal' scenario.. But hey, theres a band wagon to jump on.. Who needs a pitch fork??