Sooo how bad does the smell leak out of your grow tent?


Well-Known Member
With a carbon filter set up in the tent will it still leak out really bad and stink up the whole house? And yes yes I know it depends on strain blah blah blah but for the most part?


stays relevant.
my veg tent smells fine... even without the filter... i don't personally notice the smell but i've been around it my entire life, so maybe im just used to it.


Well-Known Member
my veg tent smells fine... even without the filter... i don't personally notice the smell but i've been around it my entire life, so maybe im just used to it.
yeh i didn't really notice anything, but my g/f thought it stunk. Had to do something about it in the end. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
A carbon filter will eliminate pretty much all smell as long as the unit is air tight (apart from intake) and that there is a good air flow out the other end via the filter. You may find that if u run the filter on the same switch as ur lights the smell will leak out during the dark period but shouldnt be anywhere near the level that you will get from not having a filter at all. Usually the problem is made worse because the room obviosuly has to be vented so you are in effect creating a huge air freshening chamber churning out that lovely pot smell lol I've had to invest in a carbon filter recently cause the house was a joke, everyroom stank, it has been amazing, best piece of kit i've bought in ages!