something wrong with easy ryder?

for some reason my easy ryder is turning yellow on me. its 57 days old (a week or two at most from harvest) and im starting to get worried. i messed up with this girl because i cant mention how many times i burnt her and slowed down growth because of all the errors i made. last week i flushed her with 3x the container size, with a ph level of 6.53 and run off was 6.32. i continued to feed her nothing but str8 water (ph balanced ofcourse) and its still turning yellow as the days go on. i ruled out nitrogen because i know nitrogen hits older leaves first, but this one just turns any random leaf yellow. plus if you notice in the last pic, one of the leaves has this nasty looking spot on it, maybe this is something i dont know.

i also heard about leaves turning yellow the last few days or weeks because theyre transfering all of their energy to the buds or something like that. props to anyone who helps, thanks.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
"last week i flushed her with 3x the container size, with a ph level of 6.53 and run off was 6.32"

Does this mean the soil Ph tested 6.53 before the flush and then the runoff from the flush was 6.32? That can't be right. You've either got a Ph problem and/or are N deficient. Post how you test the Ph's.
well i first let my water that i get from the kitchen sink sit out for about 2-3 days before i use it. then i take my ph meter stick it into the water and let it sit there for an hour so the ph level on the meter is steady. then i use hydroponic ph up and down to adjust the ph level. when i get the right ph i let the meter sit in the water for another hour so that im sure its the correct ph level. i cant get the level at exactly 6.50 so its always around 6.52 never higher then 6.55. when i pour the water into the soil the run off comes out 6.28-6.33.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Your soil is too acidic. Runoff from flushes should not be tested for Ph since they are too diluted with water. Testing any runoff isn't the most accurate Ph reading to begin with. Even though testing flush runoff will provide a reading very close to the original liquid used to flush, your soil is so acidic that it makes even the slightly acidic flush water more acidic. You need to get a soil Ph tester. A little capsule-type kit can be as cheap as about 5$. Personally, I'd reccomend getting a 15-25$ probe-type tester and a capsule kit to verify the probe's readings from time to time.

Remember that the Ph of the liquid you are using to water and that of the soil are two very different values. They both affect each other and mixing the two creates a Ph in between the soil's and the water's.


Well-Known Member
i actually just noticed this pic. i would still do as isaid above but leave the small top leaves alone. also only clean ph 6.0 water for the next few feedings with the exception of cal/mag half strenghth the first one or two waterings.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
I mean no disrespect to rzza but in this case I need to point out to produce that watering with Ph 6 water will make things worse.

rzza- His soil turned 3x as much Ph 6.5 water to 6.3. If he had used a normal amount of watering liquid, say 1/6 as much, the Ph reading could have been more like 5.3 (.2 Ph difference x6).
I mean no disrespect to rzza but in this case I need to point out to produce that watering with Ph 6 water will make things worse.

rzza- His soil turned 3x as much Ph 6.5 water to 6.3. If he had used a normal amount of watering liquid, say 1/6 as much, the Ph reading could have been more like 5.3 (.2 Ph difference x6).
no wait maybe i typed it up wrong but i didnt check the ph of the runoff after flushing, the 6.32 was after normal feeding...idk what the run off of the flush was.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
That puts N deficiency back on the table but I'd highly reccomend testing the soil Ph asap. If you reach watering time before getting a soil tester, give her some extra N.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
i heard giving nitrogen while its in flowering is real bad?
Nonono. That rationale could be the cause of your problem. Some types of leafier buds actually need more N in flowering than in veg. The N reccomendation for flowering started out like this years ago:

"TOO MUCH Nitrogen during flowering increases bud leafiness, providing a SLIGHTLY harsher and SLIGHTLY more grass clippings-like smoke."

Over the years it's been like that game where people whisper a sentence over and over to each other to see what it ends up as. You still need a good amount of N in flowering; usually anywhere from 66% to 133% of the vegging amount. Even if you added more N than you needed without burning the plant, the only thing that might happen is you'd have a higher harvest weight of bud that is barely noticeably a teeny bit harsher than normal.

As for how, I'd reccomend either a high-N Guano tea, Blood Meal tea or Fish Emulsion/Hydrolyzed Fish. There are tea making threads in the organics section. Which source of N is best for you depends on what you can get and what soils & ferts you're currently using.


Well-Known Member
cal/mag as i stated before. its good to use as a supplement even during the flower stage and its all N.
Nonono. That rationale could be the cause of your problem. Some types of leafier buds actually need more N in flowering than in veg. The N reccomendation for flowering started out like this years ago:

"TOO MUCH Nitrogen during flowering increases bud leafiness, providing a SLIGHTLY harsher and SLIGHTLY more grass clippings-like smoke."

Over the years it's been like that game where people whisper a sentence over and over to each other to see what it ends up as. You still need a good amount of N in flowering; usually anywhere from 66% to 133% of the vegging amount. Even if you added more N than you needed without burning the plant, the only thing that might happen is you'd have a higher harvest weight of bud that is barely noticeably a teeny bit harsher than normal.

As for how, I'd reccomend either a high-N Guano tea, Blood Meal tea or Fish Emulsion/Hydrolyzed Fish. There are tea making threads in the organics section. Which source of N is best for you depends on what you can get and what soils & ferts you're currently using.
can you please help me out with this one? i have no idea on how or where to get any of these using fox farms ocean forest as my soil, 250w hm light and im not using any nutes if that helps? thanks in advance

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Call around to local greenhouses, garden centers and hydroponics stores. Type your zip and "garden centers" into google for local shops. Ask if they carry Fish Emulsion or Hydrolyzed Fish, Guano or Blood Meal. There are many other sources of N but these are what I prefer personally. Guano and Blood Meal will need to be made into a tea for instant release. They can also be mixed into the soil before transplanting for long-term release. Teas are made by soaking solid fertilizers in water for anywhere from 18-48 hrs, depending on the tea-making process you use. You can stir frequently and/or apply light heat to speed up the process (minimum of about 18hrs). You can also just put it in the water and let it sit, stirring when you're able or not at all, for the full 48hrs or whatever the directions on the package say. Strain out the solids through a piece of cloth like an old pillowcase and either use the ferts immediately, refrigerate for up to a couple weeks or freeze. Many of these ferts have measuring instructions for tea making on the package. If something you get doesn't and you want to make tea with it, ask here or in the organics section for how much to use. The Fish Emulsion is water soluble and doesn't need to be made into a tea.


Active Member
i honestly think your worrying about the small details instead of focusing on your grow as a easy ryder is 27 days old and is double that size...something isnt right...i say try again and focus on a new game plan...testing run-off ph, worrying about 6.4 too 6.5, these things are minor...KISS


Active Member
yea rzza cal/mg saved my life! i now use the humbolt sea cal / sea mag seperate bottles so i can mix them as needed works like a charm but double the price of one bottle of cal/mg