Something I saw that changed my life!


Active Member
The other day, I was invited by a mutual friend to go to another growhouse, to give the new grower some experienced advice. I was so excited. I gathered up my ppm and ph meter, trimmers, hand lens, and some nutes. I was fully expecting to walk in and see something similar in size to what I am doing, which is a small tent. However, when I arrived at this persons house, I was dumbfounded by what I was confronted with.

For starters, the plant (singular) looked amazing, it stood about 36" tall. Nice well developed mature buds, ready to be harvested in a couple more weeks. The plant was well groomed, and growing in a single pot of unknown soil. Now this is all fine and dandy, it sounds perfectly normal, right?

Well, the shock of my life came when I realized this kid had grown this singular plant, in his closet, for the last 6 months. With only 2 regular incandescent bulbs, 1 very small CFL (about 10-15W) and one of those 500w work lights. Everything said this plant should be complete junk, never to finish. I mean really? Incandescents and a work light? But somehow, this plant was as good looking as I would expect to get out of my 400hps. Granted it took 6 months, but my god.

Also as I was leaving, I noticed he turned the lights out. Meaning he had turned the lights on specifically so I could look at his plant. So that got me to wondering, I mean, he had managed to grow a dank ass plant (may only yeild 1/4-1/2) in the worst conditions with the worst nutes (miracle grow) the worst lights and the worst possible soil. So if this kid can make this work (so well), why do some people have so much trouble with the proper equipment?

I think the answer to this is kinda simple. Follow the K.I.S.S method.....

Does anyone else have a tale similar to this one?


Active Member
I forgot to mention that the only advice I could give this kid was to go buy some more CFL's. I mean really, after seeing this, I was so dumbstruck that was the only advice I felt worthy enough....


Active Member
Personally, it was always when I 'cared too much' for my plants that I ran into major problems. lol

The way I see it: There's a fine line between neglect and over-caring/tending. Neither is good but over caring for plants tends to cause more harm than neglect does.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that the only advice I could give this kid was to go buy some more CFL's. I mean really, after seeing this, I was so dumbstruck that was the only advice I felt worthy enough....
lmao no shit eh!

funny thing, i did something similar, only shitty thing is i never got a chance to flower it, i ended up with too many plants by the time my first was huge (vegged for 7-10 months! lmao) but i did a dam good job! i used miracle grow potting mix for soil, used 2 26watt CFLs, and grew it in a recycle bin, i purchases some cheap base nutes at my bong shop and watered about 250ml every other day.. i topped it and lst'd it... 7-10 months later that bitch was HUGE.. the only shitty thing was i was trimming all the fan leaves all the time so eventually along with a few other things i did wrong it just got messed up and i didnt have the time to reveg. or spray down due to mites etc. but dam i learnt alot and again, that lady was one of the sexiest LST'd plants i have yet to still see, here is the last pic i took of it before i just decided to chop it n not waste n e more time. (its a long story as to what exactly went on with this plant over time, but for my first plant i was EFFING impressed! lol)

PS the last picture is of my 42 plants i had going when i had to decide wtf to do with my first one so of course at that point as u can see i didnt mind chopping that one.



Well-Known Member
Personally, it was always when I 'cared too much' for my plants that I ran into major problems. lol

The way I see it: There's a fine line between neglect and over-caring/tending. Neither is good but over caring for plants tends to cause more harm than neglect does.
i agree! And def. learnt the KISS way of growing after all this lol


Well-Known Member
sorry to post again, but the first pic is of it before it started getting all messed up

the second is of it in the back under a 400watt MH by itself

then the last 2 pics are of it when i had no room and had to veg. it under a 1000watt HPS 18/6 lighting when i was flowering my autogrowers at the same time



Well-Known Member
pics or it didn't happen, and what is kiss and gibbs... nice jeans :)
i like ur humour, some ppl on ur thread havent caught on to that lol.. and KISS stands for

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.. (there is a couple examples but they all mean the same thing, keep it simple)


Well-Known Member
again, sorry to keep posting so much on this thread but on my first post of pics in the 3rd pic you can see a tall sativa next to the LST'd plant.. that plant was 40" tall at the same age as all the others that were half the size, i couldnt believe it. I tryed to save that strain aswell to grow outdoors next year, but once again the MITES fucked everything up!


Well-Known Member
people sometime forget that MJ is simply ... weed.
it grows in the wild with no special treatment.
its a very strong plant that can grow almost anywhere.
weed in north india is all over the sideways and wherever you look you can find a bush or two.


Well-Known Member
people sometime forget that MJ is simply ... weed.
it grows in the wild with no special treatment.
its a very strong plant that can grow almost anywhere.
weed in north india is all over the sideways and wherever you look you can find a bush or two.
i have a few friends from india and they tell me that all the time, a couple years ago i had never herd of kush, it was just slang for good weed, then i smoked some of the actual strain and BOOM shit picked up from there lol now its all anyone sells around here..


Active Member
I have no pics, as I wanted to respect the privacy of this kid. I wouldnt want some stranger coming into my grow and taking pics. In fact, I dont even post pics of my own grow here. I know what i'm doing, so i dont need advice, and no one else needs to see what i am doing.

as for gibbs, its cool man, post away. Those are some pretty good looking plants, and a nice room. I wish to god i had that much space......instead of a 40x40x78 tent....


Well-Known Member
You should've got some lady bugs or the have carnivorous mites that eat spider mites. you can order them online. or get spiders if you want to be cool... I got a couple jumping spiders guarding my nest. No idea where they came from. but I'll try to take pics of them once I get a hold of someones camera


Well-Known Member
I have no pics, as I wanted to respect the privacy of this kid. I wouldnt want some stranger coming into my grow and taking pics. In fact, I dont even post pics of my own grow here. I know what i'm doing, so i dont need advice, and no one else needs to see what i am doing.

as for gibbs, its cool man, post away. Those are some pretty good looking plants, and a nice room. I wish to god i had that much space......instead of a 40x40x78 tent....

that sounds like a dream space to practice topping and pinching


Well-Known Member
kiss i still havent learnt that. nearly always fk up by trying other methods, best grow so far some thai seeds fucked into a bath of soil and fed on stella, had to cut the fucking ceiling out, they were nearly 3mts indoors under a 400w couldnt fkn believe it, wish i still had the pics but the old bill had my pute when i got done for two struggling babys on the window sill, never mind they didnt find the rest or the coke on the front room table, stupid cunts,,,


Well-Known Member
again, sorry to keep posting so much on this thread but on my first post of pics in the 3rd pic you can see a tall sativa next to the LST'd plant.. that plant was 40" tall at the same age as all the others that were half the size, i couldnt believe it. I tryed to save that strain aswell to grow outdoors next year, but once again the MITES fucked everything up!
u hade mites?? damn that sux..u should keep ur pot cleaner. I noticed in ur pic u had dead leaves all dried up on top of your soil, thats no bueno my friend


Well-Known Member
i have a few friends from india and they tell me that all the time, a couple years ago i had never herd of kush, it was just slang for good weed, then i smoked some of the actual strain and BOOM shit picked up from there lol now its all anyone sells around here..

I think I told this story in my thread. But there was a guy who found 2 1/2 foot plant growing out the back of his trash can. the seed was in the trash can and it grew through a crack to get light, the trunk on the thing was as wide as a coffee mug and it had some beautiful buds. 1 really huge cola and a few other nice looking buds


Well-Known Member
You should've got some lady bugs or the have carnivorous mites that eat spider mites. you can order them online. or get spiders if you want to be cool... I got a couple jumping spiders guarding my nest. No idea where they came from. but I'll try to take pics of them once I get a hold of someones camera
jumping spiders would be cool, dont know if they protect ur garden or not but it makes sense to me in just assuming. BUT in saying that i really dont want to bring more bugs into my house then i already have to deal with.. i was hopeing to just spray them away, but that didnt work clearly lol.. ive herd of chili powder mixed with distilled water and foliar spray it under leaves works really well, going to try it as a few spider mites are still kickin around, fuckin bastards wont stop laying eggs! lol


Well-Known Member
I think I told this story in my thread. But there was a guy who found 2 1/2 foot plant growing out the back of his trash can. the seed was in the trash can and it grew through a crack to get light, the trunk on the thing was as wide as a coffee mug and it had some beautiful buds. 1 really huge cola and a few other nice looking buds
where the pics huh mofo lol jus kiddin, thats an awsome lil story tho. that girl wanted to GROW!


Well-Known Member
welshsmoker: kiss i still havent learnt that. nearly always fk up by trying other methods, best grow so far some thai seeds fucked into a bath of soil and fed on stella, had to cut the fucking ceiling out, they were nearly 3mts indoors under a 400w couldnt fkn believe it, wish i still had the pics but the old bill had my pute when i got done for two struggling babys on the window sill, never mind they didnt find the rest or the coke on the front room table, stupid cunts,,,
