some pics from the start of my first grow, need advice for round 2!


Well-Known Member
hey guys and girls, im new here. i found this place about 2 weeks before my flowering stage so alot of my research has just been about this time period. i started in the middle of may with 3 plants. i am growing indoor. 3 fans. one on the plants, one at the right top pulling fresh air in, and one in the top left pushing old air out. im using fls for my veggie state. 4 3ft fls "cool white" 20w. 3 on top of the plants and 1 behind them for some extra lighting. i lost one 3 weeks in for some reason i have yet to figure out. my other two survived somehow and are now about 3-4 feet tall and both turned out female! get hyped! anyway i found some pics of the early days and weeks of my grow and would like some pointers. from what i see on the site alot of people have the short and bushy plants. mine never did that. they instantly got skinny, now i know thats from having the light too far away. my lights during the young days were about 2 inches from the tops of my plants. i raised them for the pics of course. is this stretching caused from not having strong enough light at that stage? granted the plants have made it 2 weeks into flowering on those bulbs and are decently healthy looking. second, when is the right time to start adding in nutrients? i started on the grow im refering to at week 3. is that too late? too soon? i waited 3 months before flowering... could i have flowered sooner? any +s or -s from growing veg state so long? i just got ahold of a 350w HPS dome setup. can i switch my already flowering females to the hps from the fls? how far away do my HPS lights need to be from the plants during flowering? thanks for the help, onto the shitty cell phone pics of my first crappy but somehow successful grow! thanks in advance for any help!:blsmoke:

early on still in the cups (go redsox!!!)

first into my pot

some growth



Well-Known Member
Lights should be closer, they look like they're stretchin a bit. Move it closer until it's uncomfortable for your hand to be at the plants peak height.


Active Member
Yea they need to be closer like badly, that is a pretty hardcore stretch. In the last few pictures where those squiggly things roots sticking out of the soil or string?


Well-Known Member
the lights ive been using for veg state dont get hot at all. i can actually put the light right on top of the plant and it doesnt burn them. so a light 2 inches away is too far?