Soloutions for phosphorus deficiency?


Active Member
what specifically would be a good soloution to my problem of purple ing / dying leaves?

pretty sure i have narrowed it down to phosphorus, looks exactly like the pictures i have seen in books

any good products or home made shit i can use?


Well-Known Member
Is there a possiblity that you can provide a link to any of those online pics? It's really tough to help, without any visuals.

Any of those cheap bloom ferts(MG Bloom, Superbloom, etc...) at Walmart, Lowes, etc...will work, if it's indeed a P deficiency. Just be careful with them, because they're all quite potent. Start with 1/8th strength, and go from there, if you want to be safe. Off hand, I can't think of any home remedies.


Well-Known Member
Yep, just go pick up a Bloom fertilizer, it will be better for your plants than some home remedy anyway. Make sure you take your pH after you add ferts to the water, as they will lower it considerably. Look at the NPK on the bottle, you want the middle number, so something like 5-10-5, or whatever, so the middle number is the highest one. The ratio is what is important, don't try to find one with like 0-50-0 or something just because it has a big P number. :p

And always start with a fraction of full bottle dose, and slowly work your way up to full strength, as jawbrodt said.