social heroin use

Is it possible to moderate heroin use?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 25.5%
  • No

    Votes: 41 74.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Do you believe it is possible to use heroin socially? (or in moderation) If you have no experience with heroin than feel free to replace it with any of the harder opi's I.E. opana, fent, oxy.

i define social heroin use as use without ANY dependence. if you're getting sick, that's not moderation.

this question is of interest to me because i thought i could moderate my heroin/opiate use. i was in for a rude awakening, and i am still battling the beast. i don't feel that i have the ability to moderate my use, but i'd like to know if anyone else out there has been successful with it for any period of time. :?:


Well-Known Member
impossible, there is no such thing as social or moderation of heroin use. you are either a junkie or not, and if your not then you probably will be sooner or later.


Well-Known Member
Whenever people start using harder drugs like heroine, it does seem at first as if they are still alright, but as we all know it is never alright for long.


Active Member
thanks for the quick responses guys.

i guess i'm attempting to create a PSA of sorts. obviously we try to remain open-minded on a forum like this, but from experience i would seriously recommend against dabbling with heroin.

i think it's important that people realize that heroin is one of those drugs that can't be approached like the rest. you take heroin, and then it takes you.

for all those struggling to get off the junk i wish you luck.


Well-Known Member
Hasn't went well for any of my friend although it seem that after about 5 years the most of the ones that are still alive are getting there act back together. That shit took them some places I'm not going to talk about my loved ones going! Good luck, just kick it while you still have your head on straight enough to do it.


Well-Known Member
Heroin sounds awesome, im sure it feels awesome, but read the reports every poster begs and pleads new users not to try it. Its too good, youll want to do it all the time and even with strong will power you will eventually slip and it only takes once to slid into an addiction.

One of my friends ODd and another is addicted atm. Its your life but i would take heed many many many people slip down that slop. Too many other safe non addictive drugs.


Well-Known Member
it is the best thing youll ever feel. thats the problem you got that right.. on average... this isnt pulled out of my ass either, it takes 12 tries for an addict to stay clean.. thats average... thats 12 times getting checked into in-patient. i just lost a friend and whats crazy is i met him at out patient years back and he was a real cool dude... just couldnt kick it, he was 24 couldnt handle his own life so his parents took him in, i used to go chill with him n shit.. drive him to work and stuff when he actually went, then one night his girlfriend had a miscarraige so he went into the city to cop and came back loaded and his parents took basically a bundle from him.. next morning he was withdrawing and told his mom if she didnt pass it over hed kill himself... i miss this dude every day


Active Member
Heroin is one thing that I plan on staying away from. Every person I know that has gotten into that stuff has fucked their life up. Lost one of my employees a few years back to heroin. Nice guy... just couldn't kick it. I'm not the kind of person that has an addictive personality. All of the drugs I have experimented with I never felt the NEED to do them again right away. The thought of doing them was always on my mind for the few days after, but never had a craving or feeling that I had to do more.

Good luck with the fight Notorious!!


Well-Known Member
I used to be heavily addicted to opiates. Never used the needle, though. But now, 2 years after kicking the habit, I can socially use... once every couple weeks or so. Started doing that after a year clean. I am stronger now, and have absolutely no worries about getting hooked again. But, I've never ever met another person that has gained this ability after being hooked. I'm a god.

Ps: Actually snorted a few bags of killer heroin 2-3 weeks ago. It's my favorite high of all time. It's also brought me to my all-time low in the past... love/hate.


Ursus marijanus
I previously used the opiates as medicine (migraine/cluster headache), and with success ... until an unscrupulous doc did me real damage, and a kind but unwise doc wrote me high doses of OxyContin to counter that damage. That broke me, and I cannot use opiates without arousing the bottomless thirst at this time. I recently had opportunity to test the premise, and I did not come out of the experience with my ego unbruised. No smackage for this old white rabbit ... for a good long time, I fear. cn


Well-Known Member
I previously used the opiates as medicine (migraine/cluster headache), and with success ... until an unscrupulous doc did me real damage, and a kind but unwise doc wrote me high doses of OxyContin to counter that damage. That broke me, and I cannot use opiates without arousing the bottomless thirst at this time. I recently had opportunity to test the premise, and I did not come out of the experience with my ego unbruised. No smackage for this old white rabbit ... for a good long time, I fear. cn
same thing happened to me, i wrecked my dirtbike during a race, shattered ankle/cracked femur/3 broken ribs/collarbone/both wrists and i knocked myself straight out.. they said i wouldnt walk again i was on my bike within 3 months after the crash lol... but a doctor prescribed me oxy 80's.. started off snorting them then upgraded to an 8-10 oxy 80 a day habit.. only takes one time for someone to shoot you up then you know.. you want it forever, then months later you realize you fucked up your whole life and the only thing you got left is tracks


Well-Known Member
I used to be heavily addicted to opiates. Never used the needle, though. But now, 2 years after kicking the habit, I can socially use... once every couple weeks or so. Started doing that after a year clean. I am stronger now, and have absolutely no worries about getting hooked again. But, I've never ever met another person that has gained this ability after being hooked. I'm a god.

Ps: Actually snorted a few bags of killer heroin 2-3 weeks ago. It's my favorite high of all time. It's also brought me to my all-time low in the past... love/hate.

youre still addicted bro.

addiction isnt something that just goes away. it progresses with you even though your sober. ive seen people in treatment for heroin use after being clean for 20 years. one taste is all it took and they were far worse off than when they got clean.


Well-Known Member
youre still addicted bro.

addiction isnt something that just goes away. it progresses with you even though your sober. ive seen people in treatment for heroin use after being clean for 20 years. one taste is all it took and they were far worse off than when they got clean.
Yeah but at least I'm not addicted to any one substance in particular... and I don't get any withdrawals from any drugs.... And never will again ;-)


Well-Known Member
The funniest part is when u think about it there is no using Heroine and not getting sick, cause 4 the majority u get sick when u 1st start using it, and then once ur over the part where u get sick just from using that is when u start to get into the realm of getting sick if u don't use that's the real bitch.


Ursus marijanus
The funniest part is when u think about it there is no using Heroine and not getting sick, cause 4 the majority u get sick when u 1st start using it, and then once ur over the part where u get sick just from using that is when u start to get into the realm of getting sick if u don't use that's the real bitch.
Since I smoked it, I started out with reasonable therapeutic doses and tiptoed up from there. I never had the initial feeling-sick problem. But hoo doggies, the habituation/addiction thing was still a big issue. cn

<add> The nice thing about smoking it is that you can underdose and "catch up" without sinking a whole 'nother spike into your resisting meat. But of course you don't *quite* get the same thwack from the smack.