So What's Doin' For The 4th


here smokin and packin a campin trip for the weekend. right on the river too, cant wait. we always have sum big fire. got the alcohol,bud,sum shroomies,percs(which i really never did)....oh and fireworks, wats u guys/gals got goin on??????


Well-Known Member
There's a place down here in the states called Kemah, it's near the coast. Has a big boardwalk, kind of like Coney Island in NY. They shoot fireworks every year, you can pay to be on the water to see 'em from there. It's a pretty good time, BYOB. My kid is only 2, so we're still getting used to having to figure something out that kids can go to.


Active Member
my girlfriend is coming down to see me and hang out with my side of the family (since we live in different states), she is gonna smoke with me, since she only does it on a few special occasions throughout the year, then probly grill and shit with the family around our place.


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Staff member
Halibut & Ling Cod fishing, plus I've got 4 crab pots out in about 600' that have been soaking for a week.
Fresh fish & snow crab for dinner !


Well-Known Member
well, I think a bearing spun in my car. So I'll be working on that for the remainder of the weekend.