So this b*tch is cheetin on me...


Well-Known Member
buy and register a domain name, that has her

and upload all her nudes on there!!!


Well-Known Member
lol ya hank you do that...

see i would post a pic of her but i do still have morals... and that would not be right regardless of what she's done...

fuck... i'm still angry as fuck... this isn't helping... i thought it might...


Well-Known Member
Well i help ya with them MMA fighters if i could. They don't call me Hammerin Hank for nothin:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
see... i have no problem with fighting a ammiture mma fighter... but to fight like 3 of them and this dude... a little to much lol...

sorry mike no pictures...


Well-Known Member
In my experience gettin pisssed at the guy doesn't change the fact that SHE did that to you not him, it could be any guy or guys for that matter. IT's fricken hard to not want revenge, but that just made me feel like just as shity of a person as what I thought my gf was. I think someone said in an earlier post that the realization that you've moved on is what pisses em off the most. fucking cheaters..... ruined a few years of my life. It's been years since and bitch still tries to apoligize, and gets nothing from me. I told her thats something she has to deal with I'm way far past that.

just my 2.5555 cents. it aint easy and wont fix in one day, hang in there!


Well-Known Member
I sometimes like to give ppl enough rope to hang themselves with. If she doesn't know you know there may be a few approaches using this method.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

but i don't know how this next week is gonna go... since i can't move till next weekend...


Well-Known Member
I sometimes like to give ppl enough rope to hang themselves with. If she doesn't know you know there may be a few approaches using this method.:mrgreen:

see thats what i was thinking but how to trick her into kicking that chair away...


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I can help ya there, kinda need to know the personality, habits, relationship etc. you'll come up with something. I'm thinking ...


Well-Known Member
always the cheating whore finds out, new dude like every other man wanted a piece and is not the prince charming she thought at first. then she comes crawling back crying, saying it was a big mistake. 90 percent take her back while she continues with this cycle over and over. i say hit the road bitch and get hit by an 18 wheeler.


Well-Known Member
take pics of her titties and put them on here.........

Sincerely The Best idea so


Well-Known Member
Don't get depressed over girls. No point; if anybody should be miserable, it should be her. So here's what you do: play it off like you don't know, throw on some Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl and F*ck her in the ass HARD--I mean you should be trying to damage her brain stem. Monster Facial comes next, then peace out. That's what I'd do, but I'm pretty much merciless.