So this b*tch is cheetin on me...


Well-Known Member
Get some stationary from the health department. Photoshop the state seal make an envelope.
Send her an official looking letter barley seal it.

Send the letters announcing she has tested positive for venereal warts, Clap and herpes , tapeworms, and hep c.

Send them to her friends house barley sealed some of the letters will get read... Ta da
why the fuck would you necropost a NINE MONTH OLD thread to say that?


Well-Known Member
Get some stationary from the health department. Photoshop the state seal make an envelope.
Send her an official looking letter barley seal it.

Send the letters announcing she has tested positive for venereal warts, Clap and herpes , tapeworms, and hep c.

Send them to her friends house barley sealed some of the letters will get read... Ta da
LOL, wait, what's step one again?

"Get some stationary from the health department." -- Because they just pass that stuff around! "hey you, want some official health department stationary?"

And then, you want him to photoshop the seal and make this fake but official looking letter. So basically, you want him to forge documents, from a government agency no less, all to get back at his ex?

Seems like way too much risk and effort to waste on some woman that obviously isn't worth it.


Well-Known Member
buy an ounce of schwag, put it in her car and bust out both taillights. then drive behind her and call the police sayin that you suspect a drunk driver infront of you.

lol jk.


Well-Known Member
Necropost... has to go to oxford... and yo uneed to be credited for it... unless offcoarse you learned it elsewhere.


Active Member
i need some advice...maybe you guys can help...

so i just found out today that my gf of 3 years has been lying to me about going to hang with her bitchy ass sister, and in stead is going to this dudes house and messing around with a guy that lives there...we've been having some issues lately and i am moving out in a week...but this shit is unacceptable...she could have at least waited till we didn't live together...

so... i need to get back at her for this shit, i just found out today, and she dosn't know that i what you guys think i should do?

i was thinking about killing her ass and this dude... lol...

Time to move on dude, killing her will send you to a place where there are no women, imagine what that will be like. Shit happens, and if you are as young as you sound, this will happen to you again. Grow up and move on.


Active Member
man i'm sorry but letting it go is not an option... you can't just do this kind of shit to someone you supposedly love and then have nothing happen to you... i know karma will come around but still, she need to be severly punished for this shit.
You really need to grow up, how can you punish some one for giving away their own body. She, and she alone decides what and who she want's.


Active Member
i totaly agree... but i'm not about to walk up in this dude house... he's bigger than me...which dosn't really bother me...but all his room mates are MMA fighters...and i don't want to fuck around with that shit.

and i am not growing right now...she wouldn't let me after the first grow cause she got paranoid... and so all that money went down the drain... which is why shit wasn't going so good for us recently...
Okay, you want to fuck her shit up, but you don't want to confront her new man, ha ha you don't want your own blood spilled, sound like a scared little boy to me.:hump: