so i set up this deal with my son ...

Matt Rize

my son is 16. he does NOT smoke pot. he gets good grades and has never been in trouble. we have raised him with morals and standards.
what are you implying here? lol yes I used to smoke bud stolen from my friend's dad. gotta start somewhere.
i thought smoking good pot was having good morals and standards. I wont smoke schwaz...

i wish it was ur ganja that i started on. had to move to cali to find out what real outdoor is all about.


Well-Known Member
my son is 16. he does NOT smoke pot. he gets good grades and has never been in trouble. we have raised him with morals and standards.
I have Morals and standards, made good grades, and graduated early.
My sister has more standards than me but less morals. But also did well in school.

I started smoking when I was 14, my sister when she was 12...

Your kid has taken a puff :)

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
I have Morals and standards, made good grades, and graduated early.
My sister has more standards than me but less morals. But also did well in school.

I started smoking when I was 14, my sister when she was 12...

Your kid has taken a puff :)
There are kids out there his age that hasn't smoked pot. Believe it or not, they exist.


Well-Known Member
Haha Urca he never said he was 'teaching his son a lesson' where you got your whole 'argument' and irritability from. He set up a deal with his son. Like a good Dad would do.

I'm actually very sorry your mom was too busy sucking down meth smoke and your dad's too busy sucking down whiskey to take care of you. Seriously.

That's not a loving, good natured, LESSON TEACHING childhood. Forget everything you learned about raising kids if you plan on having any.


Well-Known Member
FDD since your son is 16 and you say he has never smoked ganj, what age is he allowed to smoke? Or does he not want to?

How about edibles? I'm quite curious.

Like Matt Rize I myself raided friend's parents stashes around 15 or 16 to get a couple bowl packs heh.


Well-Known Member
Kids are funny like that though. Both my parents are straight as an arrow and I've done just about every fun substance there is to do. Not any more, just stick with bud, but hey.
I've seen it too.
But... To EXPECT them to not have at 16.... ?
FDD since your son is 16 and you say he has never smoked ganj, what age is he allowed to smoke? Or does he not want to?

How about edibles? I'm quite curious.

Like Matt Rize I myself raided friend's parents stashes around 15 or 16 to get a couple bowl packs heh.
I HOPE my kid has hit bud by 16, I don't want them to reach that age where they get high and they're like "AHHH, THIS ISN'T THE SAME AS SOBER AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Like that's not cool.

I'm not going to INTRODUCE my children to it.
But I'd hope they know by that age what it's like... :)


New Member
I dont wanna say if your son was smart he would.... But I will rather say if your son thought like a businessman, he would make his friend pay for his ticket and food. Come home with the whole $54. Then he would have $108. Simply pay back his friend I guess $25 for the ticket, popcorn, and drinks. He would still have like $83. This is EXACTLY what I would do. But I have the mind of an entrepreneur. Gotta beat the system somehow you know.

BTW Im 18 majoring in business and hoping to go as far as getting my MBA.... powerful degree :)
Wouldn't that be manipulating, lying and cheating your dad for money? I would think the true lesson is SACRIFICE. Not, "If I manipulate this, I can make more, AND get what I want." Maybe I am just old fashioned, but I think your idea of a good businessman is a picture of a manipulative, selfish person. Although, this attitude prevails bigtime in business today. That is part of why I left my career in sales. I needed more from life than money and gauging my success on how well I could manipulate people.

But who knows, maybe I completely missed the point. I can tell you my dad would have been really disappointed if I came back and gave him that explanation.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
FDD since your son is 16 and you say he has never smoked ganj, what age is he allowed to smoke? Or does he not want to?

How about edibles? I'm quite curious.

Like Matt Rize I myself raided friend's parents stashes around 15 or 16 to get a couple bowl packs heh.
I have plenty of fond memories of my cousin hitting up his dad's stash so cleverly hidden in the front of the kitchen tape/pencil drawer. Smarts.
Ahhhh stolen stash weed and apple juice jug bongs, those were the days.


Well-Known Member
I stayed at a friends house the first time I smoked. I had had a girlfriend that smoked around me beore, but I had asthma and assumed I would drop dead if I smoked anything. But then I tried a cigarette, and like 3 days later, while staying at my friends house, he pulled out his mom's weed stash, that he had bought for her, with her money, from a school friend :)
We were 14 :)


Well-Known Member
But who knows, maybe I completely missed the point. I can tell you my dad would have been really disappointed if I came back and gave him that explanation.
Yeah I'd probably go to the mall and check out a movie and buy something at the mall and come back with 20 bucks, like my Dad expected me to, and end up with 40.