Sneaking Weed On Cruise. HELP!!!


Active Member
I'm leaving from the port of Miami today on a cruise to the Bahamas through royal Caribbean.

Tips on getting a gram thru security.. I'm a bit paranoid.

Some say just take it in your pocket but how about then 100 yards drug sniffing dogs..

Guys.. A fellow token needs some help..



Active Member
hell ... dont risk it .... I'm sure you can get some in the Bahamas thats way better than what you where gonna sneak in anyway - just not worth getting busted for a gram tbh .....


Active Member
It's illegal? No shit.

I figured leaving it at home but why not try to take some considering I can slide by..

I know someone has to have experience with this.. Where are the frequent cruisers at?


Active Member
imo ... a friggin gram just isnt worth the risk ...but wtf ... if you insist - get a rubber ... put the stuff inside it and shove it up your ass .... If it goes bad, maby someone can do the same to get you some in prison ......


Active Member
Very little is worth shoving things up your ass. Besides I'm sure in the Caribbean you can find plenty among the locals, get off the ship, smoke all day, and come back high as fuck and hit the buffets.


Well-Known Member
Get to know some people and ask them about getting weed on to the ship, that might work? :)


Active Member
so many stupid answers here. give the dude a break, we all smoke here, dont act like you havent taken weed where it doesnt belong...oh wait, thats everywhere huh carne? LOL (sarcasm)

If its easy to get caught(i've never been on a cruise) dont risk it over a gram man. Take a quarter! haha, playing of course.

Edit: and fuck the thin line rules carne, its not like hes asking to buy weed from someone here. get off a mods dick or something.:roll:


Active Member
lol ... good point - if your gonna bother sticking something up your ass ... I would take at least a quarter .. maby a half if you got some ky handy .......



Active Member
lol ... good point - if your gonna bother sticking something up your ass ... I would take at least a quarter .. maby a half if you got some ky handy .......


dude read your own post. you must like big dicks?? sorry dude i had to.


Well-Known Member
I've done it b4 on a plane by Putting it in several baggies and in a pill bottle then I put it In my boxer pocket


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jeffdt1966
lol ... good point - if your gonna bother sticking something up your ass ... I would take at least a quarter .. maby a half if you got some ky handy .......
Haha, that's funny!! Dude just bake some cookies, brownies, rice krispie goodies, etc or make some tea, empty out some lipton bottles for the cruise.... Then.. I'm sure you can find cheap, great bud in those areas and get your smoke on. Good luck. bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Anybody who ever shoves drugs up their hiney hole is just twisted. Your gonna get caught and the only reason I know this is because you were nervous enough to ask a public forum about how to take a gram? Don't even bother man just speak to the dishwashers or cooks....If they don't have any they will know where to get it.


Well-Known Member
Ha I flew with a dozen cookies in my lap and another 2 dozen in my checked baggage. I stopped and asked a cop where the smoking area was while eating a cookie after just getting to the airport after completely hot boxing my car. Edibles are the way to go!


Well-Known Member
I have walked threw tsa at airport with bud in my pocket. I would say dont trip...the dogs are not supposed to be smelling people just the baggage.