Snaped One Trying to Get it to Stand Up Right


Active Member
i have some in my window and one was leaning over so i tried to stand it up and it snaped but not completey so would it heal back up cause its some pineapple chunk i cant lose that


Active Member
i'm wondering the same thing, i dropped a small fan on one of my main branches the other night, snapped halfway off. i've got it tied back up how it was before it snapped hoping that it doesn't die, the leaves aren't wilting or anything yet. i've heard that as long as there is still tissue connection that it will heal


Well-Known Member
it will be fine. as a matter of fact, just prop it up a 45 degrees, and watch her turn into a bush.


Active Member
i staked mine up real good and none of the leaves are wilting, all looks good so i think if you get to it quick enough and your plants are healthy, you'll be alright.