smoking leaves? what?? lol


Well-Known Member
I've smoked leaves.
My friends smoked every bit of there plant
( Besides stems and shit. )
The leaves didn't effect myself, or my friends the slightest bit.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is really out there smoking a bunch of leaves and enjoying it, it is because they are cutting off the oxygen to their brain. If you smoke enough leaves of any plant there will be an effect. Good or bad, noticeable or not, something will happen. We are Human. Marijuana just happens to be the best one. If you choose to call the feeling you get from smoking leaves that haven't even come CLOSE to producing THC "high" then go for it. Your best way to utilize your plant is in some kind of extraction whether it be hash or butter. But no matter what have a good time cause thats all that matters!


Well-Known Member
This thread was really bugging me so I decided to do a test: try to make hash out of only fan leaves. I saved a few handfuls of leaves that fell off or were plucked due to dying off. Put them in some hash bags with ice, blended the mix together, and BAM....there is some hash at the bottom! Now this is with White Widow, a rather potent strain, but THC is produced in all parts of the plant it seems. Well, off so finish drying it out :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
This thread was really bugging me so I decided to do a test: try to make hash out of only fan leaves. I saved a few handfuls of leaves that fell off or were plucked due to dying off. Put them in some hash bags with ice, blended the mix together, and BAM....there is some hash at the bottom! Now this is with White Widow, a rather potent strain, but THC is produced in all parts of the plant it seems. Well, off so finish drying it out :mrgreen:
lol your funny. cool


Well-Known Member
This thread was really bugging me so I decided to do a test: try to make hash out of only fan leaves. I saved a few handfuls of leaves that fell off or were plucked due to dying off. Put them in some hash bags with ice, blended the mix together, and BAM....there is some hash at the bottom! Now this is with White Widow, a rather potent strain, but THC is produced in all parts of the plant it seems. Well, off so finish drying it out :mrgreen:

When extracted. We are talking about smoking dried fan leaves


Well-Known Member
There is no point to smoking those fan leaves. You need to read more about the vegitative growth period. If they are dried out fan leaves from a plant that has not even begun to flower then there is no reason to even bother. She will get higher off of the paper she rolls it in. It is a serious headache waithing to happen.


Well-Known Member
i do know that back in the day all the hippies and shit used to smoke leaves but personally i think its fucking bullshit and that the high wouldnt even compare to a big fatt chronic spliff!


Well-Known Member
I grow white widow, and yes enough bowls of leaves gets you high.

I separate my males and just let them grow out until they are frosty, then dry them and away I go. Don't see the point in wasting a plant and I can't be bothered with canna butter.

So yes you can get high, you just need to smoke more.


Well-Known Member
Again, you are talking about leaves that have large numbers of resin glands on them. We are talking about large fan leaves from a plant that is still in vegitative growth that has no flowering growth around it. They should be saved for extraction for best use. smoking will do nothing if you are an average smoker.


Well-Known Member
THC can be found in just about all parts of the plant, including stalk, stems, leaves and buds. THC is MOST potent and concentrated in the glands that form on the plant and more potent plants will have heavy formations of these glands on the leaves, kinda looking like it is frosted. But like Rsixxer did and MANY, MANY, MANY growers do all the time, they put trim (trim is most commonly fan leaves and stems) into a water hash device and proceed to get thc to produce hash.

It also doesn't make sense to say that you can't get high smoking the leaves but they would be ok to cook with....:confused: you get HIGH from THC, right... if you can cook with the plant and get HIGH then you have extracted THC... this means you can get high smoking the plants also!!!



Well-Known Member
haha ok. you go ahead and take a huge bong hit of some yellow fleaky dried fan leaves and tell me how you feel. Extraction is the way to go as I have said the entire time. I do understand what you are saying and agree. I just dont feel that it is good advice to tell people that there is a chance of feeling "high" from a part of a plant that contains very lowel levels of thc. It would be extremly harsh.I understand that there are many leaves with LARGE amounts of trichomes and of course those leaves not only will get you high but most of the time taste wonderful. The leaves i am speaking of would be on the lower part of the main stem and would not be close to any flowering. Dont waste your lungs!


Well-Known Member
Again, you are talking about leaves that have large numbers of resin glands on them. We are talking about large fan leaves from a plant that is still in vegitative growth that has no flowering growth around it. They should be saved for extraction for best use. smoking will do nothing if you are an average smoker.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked some leaves off my old male and I felt a little high off them, and I only packed a bowl or two. THC is always in the plant. Anone ever get the brand of cereal "Hemp Plus"? on the back, it says that hemp has THC levels in it, and hemp they dont flower, so, yes they have THC in leaves.


Well-Known Member
it's all about the mind.
if you think 'this toke is going to get me high' everytime you toke the spliff, you're gonna get very high indeed.
