Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


New Member
went look around and it is looking good...couldn't find you there though...


ps-and quit smoking all that hash and get to typing:twisted: lol....going to Bosque Del Apache right now check out the wildlife so catch ya'll later

smoke n strum

Active Member
Welcome to the thread, I will still check in here just won't be as active and those are good ideas thanks :)
Your welcome RM, sorry about the typos and ***Acapulco is the right way to spell that i think.. ? UB advised me about an anon account...can you tell me what that is and where I would look into it?


Well-Known Member
Your welcome RM, sorry about the typos and ***Acapulco is the right way to spell that i think.. ? UB advised me about an anon account...can you tell me what that is and where I would look into it?
have no idea, been here for a year and a half never seen anyone busted just for being here but I'm in a legal state and I follow the rules/laws. There was a member busted cause he pissed off his girlfriend (bout a year ago) and she gave leo a link to his journal they used it for a warrant but he was not in a legal state. Hell I even use my credit card and address to order from the tude, never had a problem :)


Well-Known Member
Week 7 of flower in the bank and the buds are startin to swell :)

This weekend gonna be busy for me I have lots to do LOL

Since this is the re-type LOL it of course is gonna change a bit I had detailed my next experiment some based on my latest research but have decided to leave that out as I won't be posting it at RIU cause it won't start till the next round. I know it's not nice to leave ya hangin so I will my research was on prize winning regular veggies

My clones are starting to root, have upcanned two and have two more to do today, these are the babies that will be in the next round, they are the "monster cropping" experiment clones taken on the 21st day of flower, they do take longer to root but as you can see I have kept em green :)

Then there is my hedge row in the veg room, these are the defoil experiment and I have been impressed and surprised by this one. They are 10 weeks in veg and are 17 inches tall. all of the branches have come up to the canopy without any topping (top down pic) they have stayed short and are very bushy, there is one more thing to do to them on the 5th day of flower and I am looking forward to seeing what they do?

there is one other thing I have started doing to the STP (who is behind the others) when I switched to soiless I changed how I rain (Lumi was the first to report this variation on my technique) I add nutes now an hour after they wake back up and because I have been so impressed with these SNG nutes I have started raining, then hit her with SNG, then wait 2 days and hit her with Jack's then rinse & repeat. So far I have not seen one problem with double dosing her, this may well be how I roll in future grows,,,,we'll see???

And I took a few flash pics this round I like how they show the sugar :) The one flash bud by itself is one of the seeded buds in my breeding project

as always enjoy



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah the pic of the pile in the chamber is the lower branches of the Mind Bender, this is 2 experiments one based on the recent High Times article telling folks to harvest early and the other being about removing the lower 3rd of the branches

smoke n strum

Active Member
Nice RM, I have a question??? It looks like you cut the ends off your leaves on the clones...whats that about?
Week 7 of flower in the bank and the buds are startin to swell :)

This weekend gonna be busy for me I have lots to do LOL

Since this is the re-type LOL it of course is gonna change a bit I had detailed my next experiment some based on my latest research but have decided to leave that out as I won't be posting it at RIU cause it won't start till the next round. I know it's not nice to leave ya hangin so I will my research was on prize winning regular veggies

My clones are starting to root, have upcanned two and have two more to do today, these are the babies that will be in the next round, they are the "monster cropping" experiment clones taken on the 21st day of flower, they do take longer to root but as you can see I have kept em green :)

Then there is my hedge row in the veg room, these are the defoil experiment and I have been impressed and surprised by this one. They are 10 weeks in veg and are 17 inches tall. all of the branches have come up to the canopy without any topping (top down pic) they have stayed short and are very bushy, there is one more thing to do to them on the 5th day of flower and I am looking forward to seeing what they do?

there is one other thing I have started doing to the STP (who is behind the others) when I switched to soiless I changed how I rain (Lumi was the first to report this variation on my technique) I add nutes now an hour after they wake back up and because I have been so impressed with these SNG nutes I have started raining, then hit her with SNG, then wait 2 days and hit her with Jack's then rinse & repeat. So far I have not seen one problem with double dosing her, this may well be how I roll in future grows,,,,we'll see???

And I took a few flash pics this round I like how they show the sugar :) The one flash bud by itself is one of the seeded buds in my breeding project

as always enjoy


Well-Known Member
Nice RM, I have a question??? It looks like you cut the ends off your leaves on the clones...whats that about?
Slows transpiration on the plant and causes it to focus on roots (to repair the damage) I have a clone ditty but LOL can't remember at the moment where it is,,,,,,,,,help me out guys :)


Well-Known Member
I also thought it was cool that I got the pics as the lights were comin on they are only 3 minutes apart :)


Well-Known Member
uh oh...i'll keep an eye out then.

i'm still dredging the archives trying to find the humidity/temp one you did...lolz