Slow Clone Growth and Yellowish Leaves


I have 10 clones ( different varieties) growing in my medium sized closet under 2 hood with a combined wattage of 650 ( combo of HPS and MH). They are about on their 4th week of growing and they seem stunted...not as tall as they should be. Several of the leaves are yellowish as well.Have balanced PH levels in water and added nutrients.Also a few gnats flying around in closet. NEED HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!



not 100% on the stunting problem as I'm just an amateur myself, but the gnats can be taken care of by either getting some neem oil or fly paper.

Nutrient burn? how often are you feeding?
what medium are you growing in compost ?

if so they only need water nothing else the yellowing of the lower leaves is where the plant has used up the sugars to generate roots and these will eventually fall off its normal


its just an organic potting soil with perlite, i've been giving it nuts, I hope I didn't give it too much, and I started foiler feeding, which is new to me, I've just never had yellowing and drooping like this, this early on, I'm wondering if its a N deficiency and thought about finding guano to add, I've aways just used miracle grow and never really had a problem until now, I'm hoping to figure out what the source is,

so it's okay to just take sand from the beach and cover the soil with it for the gnats?


Active Member
im no expert pot grower(yet) but i can clearly see nut burn. i would just flush/soak it really good, then dont touch it when it seems happy because it seems they dont like to be disturbed such as picking up the pot and shit.


Well-Known Member
yea im no expert, put what ive learned off of this site is that they dont need nuts right away,probly till right now, and dont give them full doses , work your way up week by week
hope this helps

Gardener 09

Active Member
i would cut all of the yellow leavs in half, what are your temps, your stem looks dark, that usualy indicates cold temps, how close is the light your using?


the lights were just a few feet but thought it might have been too hot, so raised them to maybe 3.5 ft above them. I just talked to the guy at the Hydro store and he thinks I'm having problems due to the gnats and tap water.

I got worm castings and bat guano and Gnatrol for the gnats which he said most likely came in the medium i bought from Home Depot (I knew I should have never went there) Hopefully I'll clear this up, my closet does not look happy