Slik&Friends-Growin-Some-Veggies Grow Journal


New Member
I know what you mean, I had really expected next week to be warmer at night, but it's still going to be getting down in the 30's.

What kind of low temp can iceberg lettuce take? This is the first year I've grown it.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean, I had really expected next week to be warmer at night, but it's still going to be getting down in the 30's.

What kind of low temp can iceberg lettuce take? This is the first year I've grown it.
i dont know acout the iceberg, or much else for that matter. this is the first year ive grown anything but weed. i can grow the hell out of some weed, but this other shit is new.

i was gonna ask about your lettuce....mines doing very well, i could have a small salad:weed:.


New Member
Mines doing pretty good too, I want to get it outside so I can start a couple of new ones. I'd like to plant like 3 every 2 weeks for a bit so I can have lots to harvest during the summer, but the damn weather......

My carrots really need to be getting outside too.


Well-Known Member
i have 5 lettuces going right now, 4 are 3 wks behind the other. they are for outside, the big one is my experiment. i want to see if i can grow it to completion in a 6" square pot. if it works out on gonna do a 4-pot lettuce perpetual in my grow so we never have to buy it again. ive also built some trellis around the walls of my flower room for a couple pea plants to climb. i have 15 carrots in 2-8" deep pots to see how they fare.

im serious about this indoor veggies thing. if the economy turns around i want to make a business out of it.


New Member
Is your lettuce forming a head yet? Mines not, the leaves are just splayed out all over the place.

I'll want to know how the lettuce in the 6" pot goes for you. It'd be nice to have my own perpetual lettuce supply too. Quality in stores sucks big time during the winter.


Well-Known Member
nice ... is that a baby monitor hanging up there ?
gotta stay on point. i raise my girly without a mother.

shes almost 3 so i barely even need it. i do all my work there after bedtime so its mostly not neccessary, but i cant hear shit over my jet engine exhaust fan so it makes me feel more comfortable.


New Member
All your stuff looks really good Slik. The large lettuce you showed is looking really nice. I'm thinking we both started our lettuce around the same time but your's has mine beat for sure.


Well-Known Member
All your stuff looks really good Slik. The large lettuce you showed is looking really nice. I'm thinking we both started our lettuce around the same time but your's has mine beat for sure.
i think my lettuce is a week ahead of yours, remember i found the seeds and directed you to wallmart? i think mine were in the dirt when you said you bought yours, so no need to feel inadequate:-P.

i should be fair and say that im using most of my goodies from my weed grow on my veggies. they get some mycho(except the carrots, NO MYCHO on root-crops!), humic and fulvic, silica, and hygrozyme. all in amounts much less that my herb, but theyre getting the goods none the less.