Sketch Pad


Well-Known Member
So this is kind of an art project. I spent like 50+ hours coding it and I just wanted to show it off a little bit. For a school project, I had to code a program called sketch pad, which was supposed to function like a lower level Paint program. Here is a screen shot with some stuff drawn. Let me try to draw something cool and I'll take another screen shot.

Anyway, with the help of a lot of ganj, some energy drinks I finished it. I would attach the executable but I think I would need to include some libraries and stuff so fuck it.


Well-Known Member
No it is mostly OpenGL and some C++. I'm taking a graphics class and it is all OpenGL based and this is our second project of the class. Our first project was Pong. Right now, I'm working on a 3D air hockey game with a movable camera and lighting affects.

Like I said I spent a lot of time coding it and over all, I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I know it's not the most beautiful or professional looking program, but I made it and that is rewarding enough in itself.