Single-Leafed Palms from Mars???

25% of the palms have only one blade on them.

Too bizzare. 3 clones of the same mother. Two a bit older than the younger by about 3 weeks. Other two plants are normal. This younger plant has always looked limp and wilted... likes it's tired.

New growth is good, looks fine but when palms form, they wilt and about 1/4 of the palms only have one blade.

This plant is about 12" tall and fairly bushy but with a weak root system.
(thin, wimpy roots)

Is it worth my time to keep this genetic misfit?
Here is a pic of the single leaf palms. There are a bunch of these all over the plant. The entire plant has always looked
sad or sick. Wilted and droopy.

What have I got here? What strain might
I have? Is it worth keeping?


Dolce Vita

Active Member
yeah deff from mars, no doubt about it. Haha naa man i had a male plant that had a lot of those single leafs, it doesnt hurt them or anything its just strange :shock:


New Member
not bizarre. you cloned a side branch, likely a lower side branch. they do that because its a side branch gaining roots, don't bother flowering it until it grows 5 or 7 leaf clusters.


New Member
Here is a pic of the single leaf palms. There are a bunch of these all over the plant. The entire plant has always looked
sad or sick. Wilted and droopy.

What have I got here? What strain might
I have? Is it worth keeping?

you sir have a case of over-watering your clone.

drill a drainage hole in the side of that bucket towards the very bottom.
the soil may be way too heavy, like clay ish so there isn't enough air down in the root systems.
Sorry, I forgot to mention I am hydro, running nutes at 3/4 recommended strenth. I had it in a 5 gallon bucket
with airation since it gained roots. The roots got root rot and litterally fell off
in my hand 2 days ago. Opened cube to find the old roots had just died off and rotted, but the base of the stalk still had my original 2" rockwool and it was packed full of new, bright white roots that were starting to take off. I rinsed off the visible rot and placed it in a new large rockwool cube, added nutes to the small bucket at 700tds (down from 1200) and over the last 3 days it's looking the same, got a couple yellow leaves this morning, but that's to be expected considering the hellacious shock I just put the plant through... it's a hearty sucker. Any suggestions as to helping it along? Temp is between 65 and 70, 400 watt light, 2 1/2 feet from top of plant, no significant nute burn.

I'm treating it like it's a newly rooted clone (with lots of growth)
Is this the right way to handle the girl?