Sick of people growing shit pot....


Well-Known Member
I didnt even have a known strain n it was still good shit,i couldnt smoke myself but i was with the ppl who did & it was like a narcotic high,probly the most stoned id seen seasoned stoners in a while.
Next yrs gonna be my first grow with an actual brand name strain (Afghan) yay!

Yeh it can really be disheartening when someone poo-poos ur stuff especially if its outdoor, just coz it takes so much longer n u really only get 1 good crop a year.

iron joint

Active Member
Hi Iron,;-) ah, now I get it... But yeah, not funny, its like saying a bugati has four wheels just like a commodore so just fucking drive it:sleep:... I am a little bit more of a connieseur when it comes to smoke...

Hope you are
Yea, i realize there are levels to things. Some people just see things as its title only and not the quality in front of them.


Well-Known Member
G'day all, I am here to register my disgust through out the world...:cuss:

I am so close to harvest, and I am really starting to feel the pressure, of waiting for mine, and purchasing shit.....:cuss:

There are a lot of really bad growers here in Australia.... People not flushing gear, its usually the Triads and the Gangs that are growing pot superfast and really not giving a shit, just growing to make dollars... Well I am sick and fucking tired of it....
:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

People throwing any fucking seed in they find in any sort of gear with little regard for genetics or species...

Its either being chopped too early or left for too long... And when its around, the good stuff doesn't last long and then we are left with the crap, and they still charge the same price... Well not any more.. My tent is huge and I'm expecting about 2 pounds fingers crossed, and you know what I am going to do with it????? I am going to sit on the lot... I'm not going to let anyone know I have any and when things get really dry like they are now, I will charge $450 a bag for it.....

I have made a lot of people a lot of money over the years, and its about time I started to take some of it back....

Fuck everyone who's ever made me wait for hours for a shitty foil or a quarter that is 1 gram light...Fuck all those whose sell their gear still wet so they can make more
money off the weight....Fuck all those growers growing shit pot too quickly and juicing it up with products like Rock and Swell and Resinator... You bastards should be fucking drawn and quartered....

I know this is mainly an Australian thing, we don't have any borders with other countries so what we have here is grown here..... Importing is a huge waste of time....

Where is the love people...?????? Where is the fucking love.....


Well-Known Member
Have u heard of some of the bikie gangs usin this tactic?....Apparently some of them spray coke (as in cola) at high pressure over the buds which adds weight & when dry gives the illusion of being covered in trichomes.fukers.


Well-Known Member
Have u heard of some of the bikie gangs usin this tactic?....Apparently some of them spray coke (as in cola) at high pressure over the buds which adds weight & when dry gives the illusion of being covered in trichomes.fukers.
i know a couple of bikies who use this method, fly spray is another one of their tricks, so sick of shit weed, my outdoor is gonna be good, solid genetics and lotsa TLC, fucking kangaroos/possums raped me this year they are about 6ft high atm, so making a indoor cabnet too its 1100 high, 1600 wide and 475 deep, made it out of some AB grade marine ply we had around the place (im a carpenter by day) using LED's. know anyone in Aus that uses LEDs? lacy wat strains are u using?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've heard the roos love So do some cows and sheep All I see are fucking stoned animals trolling about the farm lol ... Fucking roos jumping round the bush in

Good luck on your grow and thanks for contributing...:-)