Sick of Football Players Thinking They deserve Half!


Active Member
Hello they are employees now what company or business gives there employess haalf of what there business is worth...gimme a fucking break...there can always be new football players scrubs work for me i just want football.......get over urselves is what i say....


Active Member
i agree they need to shut up and play, but fuck that scrub shit. Who would want to watch a patriots vs colts game without brady vs manning?


Well-Known Member
Hello they are employees now what company or business gives there employess haalf of what there business is worth...gimme a fucking break...there can always be new football players scrubs work for me i just want football.......get over urselves is what i say....
You're not really following what's goin on with the lockout, are you?


Active Member
ummm yeah everyday i listen to it...They arent gonna settle unless they get atleast half.....U might not be the 1 watching things...Just today drew brees said we arent gonna settle till we get what we want...They dont care they just greedy fuckers...Theres always another brady or manning in the making...They dont deserve 25% if u ask me.......


Well-Known Member
It's the owners that want to take more, not the players. The players are happy the way things are now. The league and owners are the ones demanding changes.

Not sure who you're 'listening' to.


Keep in mind that NFL players contracts are not guaranteed like baseball players contracts are. There's a lot more to it than greed. I used to feel the same way after the MLB strike some years ago and the NHL lockout, then I started paying more attention to stuff instead of just boycotting the games.


Active Member
Ummm NOOOOOOO ur wrong the currant split is like 44 and 56 something like that and the players wnt a 50-50 split dude...the owners want compisation back but who blames themmm...The players that they HIRE AND THAT WORK FOR THEM...The players dont work for themselves...JESUS...The players should take RAY LEWIS ADVICE AND PUT EGOOOO ASIDE..WOW...If u dont know the real arguement please dont write something stupid...


Well-Known Member
The players currently get about 60% of revenue. 59.6% to be exact. It's clear to me that you don't know what you're talking about.

Ignorance is the root of all frustration. Luckily, there is a cure.

Instead of the owners taking 1 billion off of the top then giving the players 59.6%, they want to take 2.4 billion off of the top before cutting the check. How would you like it if your boss demanded you take a 15-18% pay cut?


Active Member
Well espn is lying then cuz thats what they said...i know the owners want a cut of the top,,,,but i guess ur missing the point that these guys are way over paid and complaing they dont make enough and they want more saying they want atleast 50-50 so im not sure how they had 60 before that doesnt even make sense...these owners need to say fuck u to manning brees brady all those ignorant mother fuckers saying they aint playing and they want 50-50 split...dude that doesnt make sense what u said why would the players be willing to give up 10% if they want more come on..


Active Member
As was clear all along, the dispute came down to money. In the end, it appeared the sides were about $185 million apart on how much owners should get up front each season for certain operating expenses before splitting the rest of the revenues with players—a far cry from the $1 billion that separated the sides for months.....NOW TELL ME THE OWNERS WERENT TRYING TO GET THINGS DONE...MAN THE PLAYERS R JUST STR8 GREEDY NOW DAYS...MANNING MAKES 23+PER YR WITH SALARY AND ENDORSEMENTS, BREES MAKES ABOUT 13+, BRADY MAKES 20+,,,JUST PLAIN GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
But they signed contracts. The players aren't the ones demanding changes. You sign a contract for 20 million and then your boss wants to change it in the middle of it and you're the greedy one? That doesn't make any sense. None at all.

Fact is the owners and the players had an agreement. The CBA from 2006. The owners are the ones that want to back out of that agreement. Not the players. I think your angst is misdirected. Poor owners aren't making enough and want to cut players' pay.


Active Member
lol there contracts wont over the revenue that the NFL makes 9 BILLION DOLLARS....They players that sign after the new contract is signed they might have things for rookies and how much u can make but right now there contracts r what they r..but they also offered better things for the players longer offseason light ota everything man they just wanted something off the top 185 million split between 32 teams is less than 6 million dollars per team...Dallas just spent 1.2 billion on there stadium...I dont see the player helping jerry pay for there new home he did that out of his pocket...Like i said before the owners should show them who is boss and just say we can find other players that wanna play for what we offered which is a hell of a deal 50-50 basically the owners wanted less that 3% lol thats crazy for the players to refuse..There just trying to make a name for themselves with the players for years to come thats all just EGOOOOOOOOO'S


Active Member
I mean seriously do u blame them for wanting to put a salary cap on i mean..the last 2 #1 picks both make more than the biggest names in the game brady manning brees...come on


Well-Known Member
If my boss came to me and asked me to help him pay off his building I would tell him to go fuck himself.

I was just trying to help you understand the issue better to help you with you frustration. I see that you aren't interested. That's cool. I don't want to argue.

You seem to be a big fan. Who is your team?


Active Member
Lol why if u want half of what the business makes than u need to help pay for exspenses...but dont say im ignorant when im then 1 that knows what is going on i totally espn drew brees is tweeting his ass off and there showing it...all im really saying is that the small guys on the totum pull get screwd..they just wanna team is the bills sad i know but have been my team since 1981..


Well-Known Member
The Bills? I guess I can admit to being a Vikings fan then.

The firm I work for pays out 50% of revenue in salary. I don't think we are being greedy. I know it seems like a lot being paid to the players but think about it. In a cut and dry basic scenario.

53 players split 50%

1 owner 50%

And they won't open their books so they can hide all the money they are paying to family members before splitting profits. Another shady move by the owners. I am siding with the workers on this one. It's fine to disagree though.


Active Member
but they own them their employees bro..The owner is supposed to make money or u wouldn't have a job right? How many owners will say yeah look at my books see how much i make or in some cases dont make..Some teams dont even make alot of money CAROLINA being 1 of them.. POINT IM TRYING TO MAKE IS GET OVER THERE EGO BECUZ WE ALL KNOW THAT IS WHAT ITS ABOUT, BECUZ IN THE END THE OWNERS WILL ALWAYS WIN..THEY CAN ALWAYS FIRE U AND U WONT HAVE BUT MAYBE A 1/3 OF WHAT U SHOULD HAVE MADE BECUZ OF GREED AND EGOS..WHATEVER HAPPENED TO PLAYING THE GAME FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME YA KNOW..JUST ABOUT MONEY NOW AND IT SUCKS BECUZ WE THE FANS GET SCREWD