Short n' Bushy


Active Member
Wut up, im currently gorwin in my basement in smaller aquarium type thing, i just want to know if there is any way to keep your plant shorter and make it bushier at the same time, im talkin like 2 1/2 foot tall plants. I kinda thought about reducing the light early to make the plants bud faster bud i dont know how to do it exactly, plus i dont know if itll work. I also usually fim my plants outside which is da shiii, but i dont know if i can fim that sucka inside a small space and still expect it to be short, i have plenty of space width wise but not much height wise.
Please help me out with this one cuz i go no clue wut im doin...:leaf:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Wut up, im currently gorwin in my basement in smaller aquarium type thing, i just want to know if there is any way to keep your plant shorter and make it bushier at the same time, im talkin like 2 1/2 foot tall plants. I kinda thought about reducing the light early to make the plants bud faster bud i dont know how to do it exactly, plus i dont know if itll work. I also usually fim my plants outside which is da shiii, but i dont know if i can fim that sucka inside a small space and still expect it to be short, i have plenty of space width wise but not much height wise.
Please help me out with this one cuz i go no clue wut im doin...:leaf:
Try to top them. Cut them off about 3 to 4 leaf nodes down. Cut on an angle, right tight to the next leaf node coming. Now you can either clone these guys (check out cloning in growfaq) or throw them away. By doing this your plant will bet bushier and not as tall. I did this for my grows and it does great. :peace:
So im about a month into my first grow ever and i have some healthy bushy plants. Im growing under 6 x 54W 6500k T5 light. There only about ten inches tall

Im wondering if i should do something about how bushy they are. Any pointers? Thanks



So im about a month into my first grow ever and i have some healthy bushy plants. Im growing under 6 x 54W 6500k T5 light. There only about ten inches tall

Im wondering if i should do something about how bushy they are. Any pointers? Thanks
Those look fine dude. I always snip the plants at the 3rd real set of leaves. Not counting the little single point starter leaves. Once the 3rd set develops I snip it off right above the second set. This causes them to "Y" into two heartier stalks. You can do this over and over, but I dont recommend it. After one time they will get pretty big around and thick. If you keep doing it lighting becomes hard to get to the lower sets. Peep this one that I only snipped once at the 3rd set like mentioned above. It's about 6-8 weeks old. In the middle of the 2nd pic you can see where I clipped it and it "Y'd" off to become two stalks. Also, I had problems sometimes of low yeilds lower on the plant due to lack of light so I would trim a fan leaf off each node on the way down. Just like a spiral staircase. This helps allow more light down there, but each side of the node missing the leaf will produce a smaller bud. I've learned rather than snipping off fan leaves just get more brooder lights and direct them in the lower parts. Oh and BTW I am going into flower cycle now at that height and it will almost double in size yet.



Active Member
keep lights close to plants (heat causes stretching)
Low stress train them.
And even topping your plants can keep them somewhat shorter.